Chapter 9 - Wait!

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"NO" I scream, clinging onto the boy's wrists refusing to let go.

"What the fuck? LET GO OF ME YOU IDIOT!" He tries to wriggle his wrists out of my grasp but I only hold on tighter.


Yoongi sighs, this was the first time I really heard him speak,

I was beginning to think he was mute.

I felt a little upset that my first time having a real conversation with him was when he is dangling over the edge of a bridge.

"Please." His small voice brings me back to reality,

"Please just let me die." he pleaded. He appears so vulnerable, so weak at that very moment that I actually almost loosened my grip at how shocked I was.

He never looked like this in school. He's always walking around with a glare or an emotionless expression.

I shake my head, "I can't do that, I'm sorry."

He stares down, his gaze watching cars fly by underneath. No one dared to come near us or stop to help which was really depressing.

What might've happened if I didn't see him and stop my car? Would someone else have stopped him?

"Yoongi?" I spoke lightly, he looks up, shocked that I knew his name as he never once, in the full two days I had been at school, told me what his name was.

"You can't do this to yourself, you can't give up so easily."

He sniffles,

"what do you know?" He hisses.

"I know that you're making a big mistake. You'll regret this, how do you think your family will take it?"

"They don't care." His eyes shift away from mines. I scoff,

"Don't care?! Your mom was practically begging you earlier not to leave the house."

He stares up at me, "you saw that?!"

My cheeks feel warm, "" I purse my lips, embarrassed that I just admitted that I had been spying on him.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'll finally be able to put my family out of their misery." Again he tries to free his arms,

"No you're not." With every ounce of strength in my body I hoist him up and over till he was back on the safe side of the walkway again next to me. He tries to get up quickly to jump back over but I tackle him to the ground refusing to let him give up. I straddle his lower half body while he kicks his legs underneath me, his arms thrashing around till I grab onto either one, pushing them into the ground beside his head.

"You idiot! How can you do this?! Don't you care? Giving up is for the weak and you!" I let go of one of his hands to raise my finger, pointing near to his face.

"Min Yoongi are no quitter!"

I let my hand drop to the side of him as we stare at each other for a while. It feels like we stayed like that for ages but in reality it was only for a minute.

He finally let out a deep sigh, break our gaze and the silence surrounding us,

"Fine. I wouldn't jump, can you get off me now?"

I wait a moment before getting off of him, making sure to be close to him incase he suddenly jumps again.

He raises his legs so that he is now sitting hugging his knees, he appears to be fight back his tears.

"Let me see your phone." I place my hand in front of him, he raises an eyebrow at my hand.


"I'm calling your mom."

He shakes his head, "please don't."

"Well then who else can I call that you're comfortable with?"

He nibbles on his lower lip thinking about it before pulling out his phone from his pocket, he opens it for me and presses someone's contact information before handing the phone over. I stand up but make sure to stay close to him,

I hear the phone ring as I lift it to my ear.

"Hello?" A groggy voice mumbles,

"Hoseok?" My face held confusion while I glance over at Yoongi who was busy playing with the lace on his shoe.

It was silent on the other end of the line for a while,

"Jimin?" The voice questions,

"Why do you have Yoongi's phone?"

"Uh...I'm with him right now."

"Where is he?"

"We're on the bridge near the school."

It stayed silent for a while and I frown, removing the phone away from my ear to look down at it, noticing that Hoseok hung up on me.

I was confused as to why Yoongi phoned Hoseok,

Maybe they're best friends...

Or something more?

Why do you even care? You're not even gay, idiot.

I wanted to ask Yoongi why but didn't want to push him any further than he had already been tonight.

"What did he say?" Yoongi mumbles still playing with the aglet part on his lace.

"He sorta hung up once I told him where we are."

Yoongi sighs, "Watch, he'll be here any minute."

And just like that we spot Hoseok running towards us from the opposite side of the bridge.

"YOONGI YOU IDIOT!!!" He screams once he is close enough to us, tackling the small boy to the ground in a tight hug.

I just stood there awkwardly.

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