Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Joshua stompped into the little room.

"Oh Jillian, come out, come out where ever you are."

I roll my eyes again at the villian wantabe, 'Another popular horror movie catch phrase.' I think, trying hard not to make any sound. Joshua goes over to the bed and flattens out the bedspread where I jumped on it. He continues looking around. Then through the tiny crack I made I see him walking towards the closet door as he is just about to open the little closet without thinking I throw the door open, punch Joshua in the stomach and start running, I look behind me and I see him holding his stomach.

I quickley run back upstairs, down the hallway and into the last room. I slam the door shut. I put my back against the door and stop breathing, tears rolling down my ghost white face. I wipe the tears off my face stand up and walk over to a small window at the other side of the room. I can still see the sun taking its last look of Strathmmore before sinking down into the earth. I watch until I can no longer see the sun. I start looking around, I see houses beside and across from me. We are in the middle of a neighbourhood, I will be out of here in no time. I step back from the window and pull out my phone. I still don't have a connection. I start pacing back and forth. Suddenly I step on something and it breaks. I bend down and pick it up carfully almost knowing its going to be more glass, I'm right but, then it gives me a idea.

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