I'll Be Watching You...pt 3

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Nadia's point of view

"Can you tell me what he looked like?"the detective asked.

"I-I can't remember I didn't get a good look at him.It was dark."

"Surely you must have noticed something unusual about him? Was he tall, short, broad, thin, etc."

"I told you it was dark.I was-I was scared I didn't pay attention.I was only thinking of a way to get out."I said wiping my nose in the tissue.

It had been three hours since police had picked me up and brought me to the station for questioning.I picked up the coffee cup greatfully even though it was missing milk and sugar.

"I understand Miss-Brown that you're under a great deal of stress right now but as you can see we have a job to do and that job is to catch the killer.I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on what the killer looked like."

The detective gave me a grim smile.

"I know you have a job to do, officer."I said avoiding calling him detective on purpose.From the twitch of his lips I could tell that stung.

"I just don't know what you expect me to tell you.I didn't see the killer."

"But you must have noticed something.Any little thing that could help."he prompted.

I sighed and frowned into my coffee cup.

"He wasn't too -tall, he had short hair and strong arms and-"

"He was smoking? We know that Miss Brown you're describing the victim, the one we already have in custody albeit dead.I'd appreciate it if you didn't waste my time and-"

"Don't say that to me!"I said hotly, slamming down my coffee cup and making it spill.

"He wan't the victim! If you had paid attention you would have known that he was following ME! What intentions he had when he dragged me into the alley I think we're all perfectly aware of so don't sit there and tell me I'm wasting your time because frankly officer you're wasting mine as well.I don't see what asking me the same question over and over has got to do with catching the killer.I don't know what he looks like.It was dark and I for one am damn pleased I didn't see him!"I paused for breath, my cheeks were flushing hot.He raised an eyebrow at me.

I gritted my teeth, tears which I had reigned with difficulty for an hour threatened to flow.

"If there's nothing else can I go?"

"Ofcourse.We'll be in touch Miss Brown."he said impassivley.I did everything in my power not to glare at him and stalked out with police escort.

I calmed down considerably and managed to hold my tears in check during the ride.A female officer saw me inside and left after making me coffee.

I sat down on the couch once she left .

Tears fell for hours, my sleep was gone for the night.After a few hours I managed to get up and go upstairs to my room.

I fiddled around with the idea of calling mom but it was too late.I decided I didn't want to worry them at this time and postponed calling them till morning.I changed into my comfy pajamas and lay down on the bed with the lights on.

I stared at the ceiling for hours as the events of the night played back in my head nonstop.

I sighed and buried my face in the pillow.

The numbness began to wear off of me and my mind began to think slightly clearly.

Who was he? The man who killed the other one?

Why did he kill him and leave me?

I hadn't called the police yet and until they arrived no one had ventured through the same street, I knew that so why not kill me?

Not that I wasn't greatful to be alive or anything.

Getting killed that night was the last thing on my mind let alone being a witness to one.But it bothered me.

Was it something personal between the two men?

Similar queries clouded my mind until I finally fell asleep when the sun had risen.It was sunday, blissfully a holiday from work and I took full advantage of it by sleeping all day.


He stood outside with coffee in his hands, staring up at the window.

The lights were still on.The windows and the curtains were closed though so it was impossible to tell if she was up or not.

He wished she would get up and open the curtains atleast.

He wanted to make sure she was right.That his Nadia wasn't too scared or badly frightened of him.

He wanted to hold her in her arms and tell her it was alright.He had only done it to protect her.He had done it for her and her alone and he would do it again.

He pulled out a snap shot from his pocket.It was a picture of Nadia, smiling and waving to her friend.

He gazed wistfully at it.She looked so happy and relaxed in this picture.

He wanted her to feel the same way with him around.

Stupid man.Why couldn't he leave her alone? If it hadn't been for him he wouldn't have had to kill him and scare Nadia.

He frowned.

It would be difficult from now on.She had become more vulnerable and more alert.

She won't be so easy to follow.He must do something else.

He must come up with another plan.He must make her his.

But what could he do win her affection and love?

He stared thoughtfully at the busy street ahead of him.

He saw businessmen hurrying to their offices, mothers holding the hands of their children and walking them to school.His eyes followed a teenage couple, walking arm in arm.The girl was smiling at him.He leaned to her and she closed her eyes.He pulled out something from his jacket and handed it to her.She jumped with delight and tore the gift wrapper, revealing a sketching.

He couldn't see it from where he stood but he could see the happiness in her eyes and an idea flashed inside his head.

That's it.

He knew how he would win Nadia over.

He smiled and drank his coffee.

A man in shabby clothes walked past him, he stopped him and handed him a twenty, the man thanked him and moved.

He continued to grin, humming the tune to his favourite song.

"I'll be watching you..."


A/N: I think someone might have a problem or be confused with the stalker being nice to a homeless guy but I wanted him to be a round character.

I can't make him bad to the bone at the beginning .Although maybe I already did O.o

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