Ex Boyfriend

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(Trigger warning)

John P.O.V.

When I saw the text I screamed- like really loud.

"WHATS WRONG" my mom asked worried.
"Nothing." I laughed
"Isn't that the kid that told you that you were trash" my mom pointed out
"No, that was his friend" I lied
"Well it doesn't matter because he sticks up for me now" I said ignoring the fact that she rolled her eyes.
"Mk" she sighed leaving my room.

Alex: wanna come over, Washington says it's fine
John: you live with Washington?
Alex: er..yeah
John:oh um..sure, I'll ask my mom.
Alex: Mk.
*ten minutes later*
John: I can go
Alex: cool
John: where is Washington's house anyway?
Alex: (insert address)
John: Mk, I'll be there
My mom drove me to Washington's house. She waited in the car incase we got the wrong house or something and had to leave, I knocked on the door nervously. Washington answered the door.

"Hey, John." He said in a welcoming tone "Alex is upstairs in his room"
"Thanks" I said smiling. I waved at my mom as a gesture to tell her that we were at the right house and she could leave.
"Come on in" Washington said. I stepped inside. His house was huge.
"The second door on the left" he said. I. Nodded and went upstairs, I knocked on the door that I thought was Alex's. Luckily, I was right and it was Alex's door. Alex opened the door and smiled.

"Hey babe~" He said causing me to blush.
"H-hey" I kind of expected him to yell at me for stuttering. I stepped back a bit, Alex noticed this and looked down.
"You can come in" he said stepping aside. I nodded and stepped inside his room.
"I'm really sorry for everything I did before" he said. No doubt about that. He was very sorry and he wouldn't stop telling me but the things he said before hurt and I don't know if I'm going to forgive him yet. I only said yes when he asked me out because I had a crush on him for some strange reason, I was still scared of him.

"It's fine" I shrugged like I did every time he apologized. Alex was a very smart kid and he could tell when something wasn't ok yet he didn't say anything.

I heard a knock on the door. Alex looked at me blankly, I looked back at him confused. He went over to the door and opened it. I saw the Frenchmen who I think is named Lafayette. I stood over by the window so he couldn't see me, I knew how important Alex's dumb reputation was to him.

"Hey Lafayette, what're you doing here?" Alex asked Lafayette.
"You invited me, last week"
"Oh" Alex said
"Can I come in?" He asked, his french accent showing. Alex glanced at me. He's embarrassed of me.
I tried my best not to tear up.
"Yeah" Alex said. Lafayette came in and saw me. We made eye contact for a split second, there was nothing but hate in his eyes.

"You've met my boyfriend" Alex said proudly. He shocked me a bit, I didn't expect him to want anyone to know we were a thing. I thought he was embarrassed of me.
"He's only with you because he's scared of you and what you would do if he said no" Lafayette said. Parts of that were true, I was scared of what he would do if I said no but that's not why I agreed to be with him.

Alex looked at me as if he expected me to say something or argue with Lafayette.

"You scare him. Me and Herc heard him crying in the bathroom" he said rolling his eyes. I had no words.

"It's a shame that he thinks you might care." Lafayette continued, he then turned to me "you should've heard all the things Alex has called you behind your back."
"Lafayette. Don't" Alex said firmly. He tried to sound tough but I could tell that if I wasn't in the room he would probably be on his knees begging.

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