"Can't sleep, but that's not unusual," he sighs.  

"I'm sorry," she says, sitting down beside him.  "If it makes you feel any better, it's not uncommon for people not to get doos sleep, especially with that load of Astronomy work we got the other day."

Draco laughs once halfheartedly, but smiles at y/n, nevertheless.  

"How far have you gotten on it?" she asks, taking out her own textbooks and setting them on the table.  Draco inhales sharply, trying to find a way out of the situation.  "Is something wrong, Draco?"

"N-No!" he stammers.  "Everything's just great and dandy... I... Don't say stuff like 'dandy'.  Why did I say that?  I don't know....  Uhh..."

"Draco," y/n says firmly, reaching across the table to take his hand.  "Is something up?"

Drco sighs, leaning against the back of his chair. 

"Well...  I haven't started on it at all yet...," he admits nervously.

"Why not?  It's due Monday.  It's nearly seventy pages!" she gasps.

"Can I tell you something?  Promise not to tell anyone else?" Draco asks.  Y/n nods, leaning back over to move her ear closer to Draco's lips.  "Y/n...  I-I'm dyslexic.  I have it bad.  It hurts to read. It's really confusing.  I know how to spell and all, but I can't read or correct anything I write.  I actually send my essays home to mother for her to proofread so I don't have to.  It's really hard to get by in school sometimes.  I can't take notes off a chalkboard or read my texts...."

"Oh, Draco...," y/n gasps.  "I had no idea!"

"Yeah... It's pretty bad.  At this point, I'm going to fail everything.  Astronomy first, most likely," Draco sighs in shame.  

"No, you won't," y/n says.  

"What?" Draco asks.

"No, you won't," y/n says nicely.  "I'll help you and make sure that you want.  You won't have anything under and Exceeds Expectations after I'm done with you, Draco!" she laughs.  "Come on, now.  Let's go somewhere where we can e louder.  If you can't read, I'll have to read it aloud to you.  Let's get started!"

"You sure about this, y/n?" he asks nervously.

"Of course, Draco!" y/n says cheerily.

"...and one more thing?" Draco asks as they head into the hall.  "Is the secret safe?"

"Most definitely.  I won't tell a soul!"


A week after y/n began to tutor Draco, y/n and he both sit in a secluded classroom, y/n reading the Potions textbook to Draco.

"'Because of the volatile ingredients, the temperature of the potion must not be raised.  This would result in the potion taking on a thick consistency,'" y/n reads aloud.  Draco nods and sits down on a desk beside her.  A few paragraphs later and some quizzing, the clock chimes five o'clock.

"Time for dinner, Draco," y/n says, closing the book.  "I'll see you there.  I gotta drop the books off at my dorm."

"Sounds good," Draco says with a nod as y/n heads out into the halls.  Draco smiles.  To Draco's delight, in the past week, he and y/n have become closer than they have ever been.  Smiling to himself about their new, stronger friendship he heads down to the Great Hall.  When he walks in, he is met by a wall of whispers.

"Did you hear about his problem?" someone says.

"Yep!  I didn't know he was that much of an idiot!"  

"He's illiterate?  The Slytherin Prince?"

Draco gasps and looks around.  All eyes are on him.  His secret's out.  They know.  They know he's dyslexic.  Tears welling up, Draco flees the Great hall, running down the hallway to the boys' bathroom.  As he runs int a stall and locks it frantically, he hears a voice calling after him.

"Draco?!  Draco?" the voice says as it comes closer.  "Are you in here?"

It's y/n.  She comes closer and taps on the stall door.

"Go away, y/n!" Draco cries, sniffling.  "I don't want you here!"

"What's going on, Draco?  You were happy just minutes ago!" 

"You!  It's all your fault, y/n!" Draco snaps.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!  Everything!  It thought you were my friend!  You told everyone about my dyslexia!  They're all out there talking about how retarded I am!" Draco gasps, covering his face.

"Draco I would never do that to you!  You told me to keep the promise that I'd never tell!   I have!  It must have been someone else!  I wouldn't betray you like that!  Never!" y/n says, knocking on the door again.  "Please open this door, Draco."

"No!" Draco pouts.  

"Draco...  You're my best friend.  I'd never want to do anything to hurt you.  Please trust me when I say 'I didn't do it'.  I really didn't," y/n sighs.  "The truth is, I like you, Draco.  I like you a lot.  More than I can say, in fact.  You're amazing and I don't want to hear you cry.  It hurts.  Please trust me. Don't you trust me?"

Draco gets up and unlatches the door.  Y/n rushes forward and throws her arms around him.

"Please, Draco!  Believe that I didn't do it!" she cries.  "I don't want you mad at me because I-I couldn't stand it if you were!"

"I'm not mad.  I'm just feeling a lot right now.  I know you didn't do it, I just got so freaked out.  I don't know what'll happen now. Father will be fuming," Draco sighs.  "Oh, well.  It is what it is..."

"You gonna be okay?" y/n asks.  Draco nods after a second.

"As long as you'll stay with me?"

"Of course, Draco," y/n replies.

Smiling, Draco looks her in the eyes and bends down to kiss her on the cheek.  She gasps in surprise and wraps her arms around his neck.

"So.  What was that for, huh?" she asks playfully, pulling him in closer.

"To thank you for being the best person in the whole world," Draco says back, kissing her again.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,539 words long!  Thanks for reading!  More to come!

- Soiea

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