Chapter 1

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Chapter 1  

I walk through the crowded halls once again for the first day of grade 10. I push my way through the crowds of seniors bragging about it being their last year in this hell hole. I glance at the schedule in my hands a search for my friends to compare. I catch a glimpse of my best friends golden hair. I walk over into that general direction. Soon I see her blue eyes and her newly tanned skin.

"Breanne!" I grab her arm and she turns to face me. A smile appears on her face.

"Jillian." We hug and she pulls out her scheduele

"A year alone." I sigh as none of our classes match up.

"I thought you and Jane had almost all of your classes together.   

"Oh great!"  I say sarcastically.

Jane and I are twins, but we are not alike at all. We both have white-blond hair. Only mine is curly and Jane's is not. We both have sea blue eyes and we are both short. Only Jane is taller then me because of all the slutty high-heels she wears. She also looks probably five years older then me because of all the make-up plastered onto her face, Jane always makes fun of me because I get good marks. But, I'd rather be a nerd then the druggie that she is. There are rumours going around that she smoke pot. I refuse to believe them. But secretly in my head, I can't help but worry about her. 

All of a sudden another pair of arms are around my neck. I turn around to see another one of my friends Genista. Her brown eyes are sparkling and her brown hair is highlighted from the summer sun.  "Oh my gosh!" I hug her back."How was summer camp?"  

"It was so fun! How was your babysitting business?" She smiled.  

"Ugh, so boring. But now I have lots of money!"  

"Yes!" She yelled "Shopping here we come!"  

I laughed and after we compare our schedules we leave each other since of course I am still alone. I see one of my sisters creeper friends Samantha Keller, and Joshua Bexte my sisters creeper boy friend he does not seem our age I think he failed a grade...or 5. I remeber hearing Jane bragging about them being in all the same classes.  

'Oh great! Times two.' I think rolling my eyes.  

Then I see him. Kaden Barth. I smile with teeth revealing my new straighter teeth (I got my braces off during summer vacation). I quickly pick up my backpack and run to homeroom, room 204. Following him inside.  

As I enter the room, I see a familiar teacher sitting at the desk up against the back wall. I have seen her walking through the halls last year but she never taught me. I sit at a empty desk most people were already in the room. I recognize a few kids from last year but Jane still wasn't here neither was any of her friends. I wouldn't be surprised if Jane didn't show up at all. I look at the front of the room seeing the teacher's name, Mrs. Gron.  I glance over at Kaden as he walks over to me and sits in the desk next to me, he was wearing an American Eagle T-shirt, and plaid shorts (only he can pull them off). I think he saw me starring at him because he gives me a weird look. My face turns red as I turn away to face to front of the room.  

The bell rings after a hour of Mrs.Gron giving us a speech about what is going to happen this year and she sends us to our next class. I'm looking down at my schedule wondering where Jane is. When I run into Kaden and my binder falls onto the ground.  

He laughs, "Hey, stranger." he bends down and starts to collect my books.  

"Long time no see." I blush bending down as well.

"What classes are you in this year?" He takes my books and stands up. 

I take my books away from him. "Thanks, I have english next with Ms.Trump, science with Ms. Ruzek, foods and drama. What about you?"  

"Nice. I think we have english and foods together." He smiles.

"Great." I say trying hard not to sound too excited. "I thought I ws all alone this year."   

He laughes. "Me too!"

We smile at each other for a while before heading towards room 204, together.  

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