From the day that I met her, I knew I had to see her again. So I sought her out time after time with any excuse. To have dinner, to attend a party, anything. I was captivated, more than anything, by her conversation. She was a woman with a strong mind, and wisdom. She could talk for hours about anything that moved her, art, love, justice, she was enchanting. Finally, when summer started in June, I asked her to start courting me. When she refused me, I felt as if I wanted to die. The woman I knew to be the love of my life wanted nothing to do with me.

For weeks, I didn't leave the house. I was submerged in a depression even I didn't understand. My every thought was with her. Her eyes, her smile, her smell. I couldn't live like this. I had to pursue her until she was mine.

My companions thought I was insane. MArrying a colored girl just wasn't proper, they told me. I wouldn't have it. I didn't care what anyone thought. Perhaps I was insane. But I was crazy for her, and that was all that mattered to me.

So I saw her again, in the late days of July, and we talked. I told her that I didn't care what I had to lose, that I was going to win her over. Her reaction confused me. With her mouth she said no, but her eyes betrayed her. As if she wanted to be with me, but something made her refuse.

I looked into her eyes and I knew I had to tell her, tell her that I loved her. That I needed her. At the moment that the words left my mouth, something amazing happened. My vision blurred, and when it cleared, I was amazed. The woman I was looking at had transformed. Wings had sprouted from out of her back, red, pink, and purple colours all throughout. She was as elegant as a butterfly.

I was left speechless, and Paz looked bewildered, as if she didn't understand my shock. My mind was filled with wonder, and the only phrase I could utter was, "You're a fairy."

When she understood my amazement, she too was shocked, and somewhat afraid. Neither of us understood what was going on.

Suddenly, we became surrounded by animals that appeared and disappeared out of nowhere. They spoke, one at a time, telling us that destiny had brought us together on that fateful day. That my love for Paz opened my eyes to who she really was, and was the reason why we were chosen to fight for their cause. They introduced themselves as Unseeables, creatures that roam through worlds unseen, with great power to perform great feats. They told me that they had already introduced themselves to Paz, and revealed that the true reason Paz had came to Spain from her world was for her protection. They told me to help her in her cause, and that they had given me the ability to "parallel" so that I could visit her world. And with that, the creatures, the Unseeables, vanished.

Paz and I were left alone. She finally explained to me who she was. Her true name was Aznia, and she was a Lady from another world called Caorfi, from a country called Ecencia, a country of fairies. She was escaping a cult called the Aracs, a group of people that worked in summoning powers from the deep to perform their dirty work.

After seeing all of these amazing things, I was convinced. I took Aznia by the hands and looked into her deep, enchanting eyes. I wanted, no, needed to know more. I told her, "Take me to your world."

She held my gaze for a moment, then told me to meet her at a park I knew to be her favourite the following morning. The next day, we met at the arranged place, and we shared an experience I would never forget. She took my hands, and we closed our eyes. The world went black, and I felt as if I woke up from out of a dream. I was on a different world, in a different place. She told me that we were standing in her country, Ecencia. We were standing alone under a cherry blossom tree, by a stream.

From that day on, we came back to that cherry blossom tree everyday, and she took me around her world. I met incredible people and saw incredible things in Caorfi that I will always carry with me. For months we frequented Caorfi as our private getaway to be together. Under that cherry blossom tree, she told me about the cause that the Unseeables spoke of. To fight against the Aracs and free her country from their grip. I promised to her that for as long as I lived, I would fight right beside her in her cause, whatever it may be, and that I would give my very life to protect her. That was when the Unseeables approached us again, and gave us a mission that not even Aznia was expecting.

That was the end of the entry for that day. Manuel didn't understand what he was feeling after reading those pages. He realised that his candle was burning low, and his eyes stung. He needed to go to sleep. He and Yunara would begin traveling in the morning. He blew out the candle and put the book on the nightstand by his side just as Yunara came bursting through his door with Fernando at her side. Fernando said, "You have to leave now."


Hello all! What do you think of Manuel's parents? I personally love the story of how they met, and besides that, I wanted you all to get an idea of what it was like for them to really be the pioneers of their day for those that could hear the Unseeables. You'll see why that's important later on ;)

Tell me what you think in the comments! Don't forget to rate if you really enjoyed it.

The Island With No Parallelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें