Choas Ensues

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"honeypouch, ye reek" Merle laughed as he told Jasmine how much she smelled. He actually didn't find that big of a problem with it because everyone was stinking now a days but he was just trying to rile her up.

She still said nothing and this made Merle purse his lips together. He stared down at the woman in his arms wondering how to help this broken creature. He never cared much for others, hell he didn't give a flying fuck about anything. For some reason though, he felt the urge to protect her. To make sure that if his brother wasn't there for her, that he himself would be. Jasmine would never have to be alone as long as the Dixon brothers were around.

Merle carted Jasmine out to the pond behind Hershel's house.

"Darlin' ye best speak up or yer goin into the pond." Merle tried to coax the young lady to speak but she refused.

Jasmine didn't feel like talking. She didn't feel like even being alive at the moment. To her, she was almost in a comatose state. She just stayed inside her mind where she was safe and everything was alright. Jasmine couldn't bring herself to do anything. She felt like Brady would be better taken care of without her to ruin his chances. 'Out of the five of us that left Jefferson County, only two were left.' Jasmine thought bitterly to herself.

She wasn't paying much attention as Merle carried her closer to the pond but the yells from behind her woke her up as she was tossed in the air. She screamed when she hit the cold water and immediately the water flooded into her lungs.

Meanwhile, Daryl was running up behind them with Brady farther behind.

"Dammit Merle she cant fuckin swim!" Daryl yelled as he threw his crossbow onto the ground and tore his knife out of the sheath and jumped in after her.

"That's bullshit! I saw her takin a bath at that quarry" Merle yelled after his brother.

"Mr. Merle she really cant swim. She ain't afraid of water she just never learned. She's fine in shallow stuff." Brady told Merle as he stared at the pond hoping his sister was okay.

Jasmine was struggling to make her arms and legs work enough to get her to the top of the water but then she just gave up. 'If this is how its going to be, so be it. I love you Brady'

Daryl saw the brown hair in the murky water and grabbed onto her arms, hauling her to the surface. He sputtered and coughed as he broke through and began to trek them both back to the shore. 'I cant fuckin believe that idiot. He had to have known that fuckin dumbass.' He pulled her onto the bank of the pond but she wasn't moving. He listened for a heartbeat and couldn't find it so he began to give the woman CPR.

"Pease be okay. Dammit Jasmine wake up!" Daryl yelled while pounding on her chest.

Jasmine finally coughed the water out of her lungs and stared weakly at the sky. Her vision was cloudy and she felt the urge to throw up but held it back. Daryl's face swam into her vision and she smiled at how handsome he was.

"Daryl." Jasmine smiled up at him and he felt relief all through his body.

He let out the breath he seemed to be holding and helped her to sit up. "I'm right here darlin'. Ye alright?"

She nodded slowly and looked around. "Why the hell did Merle throw me in there?"

"I didn't know ye couldn't swim, I thought that the cold would wake ya up." Merle said, sounding almost apologetic.

Jasmine stood up angrily and glared at the two brothers. "If I want to be sad then I have the right! If I don't want to move or do anything then I have the fucking right! I lost my sister dammit. I lost my brother and my father! I couldn't save any of them and it was my damn responsibility. I don't give a fuck how yall think I'm wallowing, it's my life and I can if I want!"

"But yer gonna git yerself killed by not payin attention." Daryl said, looking down. He felt slightly bad that they had bugged her when all she wanted to do was be alone but he was determined to protect her.

"So what if I do! You guys would be fine without me. Brady looks to Merle more than he ever looked at me! He doesn't need me anymore. I'm not helpful for anything around here so what's the damn point."

"Don't ye dare say that!" Daryl roared. As soon as she uttered those words, he felt his blood boil. "I care about yer dumbass and I'm not going to let anything happen to ya. I refuse to let ye starve yourself. Ashlyn wouldn't want it! Yer brother needs ya. Hell I need you."

He said the last sentence quietly without any emotion.

'Oh he has some fuckin nerve to use his emotions against me!'

"Damn you Daryl Dixon! You cant use those emotions against me! I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to feel something for you or even for you to protect me. I can do fine by myself!" And with that Jasmine stormed off towards the woods.

Merle stood in the background during their fight. The only thing that impressed him was that Jasmine had some balls. She wasn't afraid to say something now that her pa wasn't around. and Daryl, damn boy got some balls too. Tried to tell her how it was going to be. 'I'm sorta proud of that idiot.'

The brothers and Brady started to head back towards the camp, wanting to leave Jasmine to have some space. They heard Andrea yell about a walker and they all turned. The only thing they saw was Jasmine at the line to the woods about to enter them. She must have twisted her ankle when she was running because she had a slight limp going on. Her hair was stringy wet and her clothes were dark. Daryl went to yell that it wasn't a walker and it was only Jasmine but a shot rang out before he got the chance.

He saw the woman by the woods crumple inwards towards herself and then down to the ground.

"God Dammit!" He roared and started to race to her. He had just saved her for this dumb blonde to kill her?

"I'll fuckin kill her! I'm going to kill her!" Merle raged and started towards the blonde on top of the RV. "That was Jasmine ye idiot!"

Shock registered on Rick and Shane's face as the began to run towards Daryl.

"I didn't know!" Andrea yelled, almost crying. She might have killed her friend.

"They told you not to shoot!" T-Dog yelled.

Sophia was crying and Lori and Carol stood together. Glenn was on the porch with Maggie and Hershel. Beth was inside the house with Patricia. But Carl, little Carl, was no where to be found.

All We HaveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon