sleeping beauty

149 19 1

Hey guys, I know I shouldn't come in the beginning of the story... but I really wanted to let you know
I'm waiting all the time till a notification pops up. Yeah, I was awake all night( I have insomnia) checking for any reader who votes and reads.
So I guess I'm too excited with the story already...
I think I'm crazy...
You can now enjoy the story( and vote too)


Some people care too much, I think it's called love.
~Winnie the Pooh


"Adrian, you can't walk in like that? What will others think about us?"

I squeaked the next morning as we came to school. For the first time, I had allowed myself to be driven to school in Adrian's car. At the gate of the school, I found myself closer to him, his left hand circled around my waist.

"Hey baby, we are already a couple, remember?," he said, smirking, "and I don't want to hide that."

"I don't like public relationships." I admitted, remembering something that chilled the insides of my bones.

"It's not public, Scarlett," he teased kissing my cheek, "it's called Official."


"I should be announcing that you are mine so that no one would even try to steal my girl."

"No one wants to steal a slumbag like me." I stated, eyeing my baggy and shapeless clothes.

Our eyes met.

The deep blue in his eyes made me want to wrap my arms around him and just look at them.

"Serena," he began, "if they see what I see, anyone would want to steal you away from me."

Oh. Adrian. My Adrian.
I just wish I would be yours now and forever.

I had mathematics in the morning. On any other day I would have wanted to faint on the way to the classroom, but my spirits were up high because Adrian and I were having the same subject.

We entered the classroom, hand in hand.

The reaction was immediate, the girls were gasping out loud; Ziara had her hands all over her face. Barry was stupefied, his mouth was slightly open at the sight.

"Oh man! Why did you steal my girl?" Barry asked Adrian as we sat for the lesson.

"I'm sorry, man. I did not mean anything bad." He remarked and Barry hissed.

"Fine." He said, "But once you give up on her, she's all mine."

Give up?
So Adrian was the giving up type...
It hurt to even think that Adrian would leave me.
No, that won't happen.
Unless I do.

Just then Mr. Barnes entered the classroom. But he was not alone. Beside him was Miss Peterson, the music teacher. She seemed a bit excited and the edges of her pencilled eyebrows were arched to the sides.

"Good news, children," Mr. Barnes announced. "Miss Peterson will tell you all about it. Miss, Peterson, you may now tell them about the musical."

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