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She was a total beauty. The day before yesterday, when I first went to tutor Serena at her place, she arrived at home.
Mrs. Reece was fond of her, she gladly attended to her work. But still something was not right with her.

She was barely ten years old; very young for her age, but she did not let me harness her. She didn't want anyone on her back, she didn't want anyone controlling her freedom.

Despite of being her master, I was not allowed to ride on her. It was her right; her way of living.

Yet she was the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in years. Her crimson coat was perfect for her black mane of hair. Everything apart, I wished I could just be friendly with her.

In other words, she reminded me of someone I knew, someone who didnt want to let anyone in; someone I wanted to be with.

So I named her Scarlett.


"Serena, meet Scarlett," Adrian was introducing me to a mare; a crimson furred beauty.

"Hello, Scarlett." I said and rubbed her mane of fur.

"I got her yesterday," Adrian said patting Scarlett, "she's from a great lineage, though."

"Do you ride?" I asked.

"Nope," he answered flatly. "She doesn't let me ride on her. She's been keeping her distance from the very day."
I locked eyes with Adrian.

"Then why do you keep her if she's not willing to ride?" I asked, cautiously.

Adrian sighed.

"I'm going to wait til she finally lets me in." He said, wistfully.

We were patting Scarlett for more than a minute when suddenly Adrian whispered;

"Do me a favor."

"What?" I grumbled.

"Get on her back and ride her for me." He blurted out.

"Are you serious? I have never been on a horse before! How can I just ride her when she's refusing everyone?" I stuttered, flabbergasted at his idea.

"You are right. I thought perhaps... you might..."

"I'm sorry. I can't do what you want." I heaved.

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