just a wind

163 27 20

Your naked body should belong only to those who fall in love with your naked soul.
~Charlie Chaplin


The last thing I wanted to be was a Romeo that almost died for a girl.

Precisely, I didn't like girls. I didn't like the way they talked, the way they ruined their faces with heavy makeup and the way they turned assholes when they grew older.

I was never the type of boy who begged girls to come back. I was never the one who saved a girl who wanted to commit suicide so badly.

And I never thought I would almost die for a girl.

Until I met Scarlett.

She was completely a dark secret I'd love to know. The way her eyes shone when they locked with mine meant forever to me. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to know her better.

But she wouldn't let me.

She was protective, I couldn't make her trust me.

Despite all that, I just couldn't let her go.

She was everything to me.

I didn't know how it happened or why I was so obsessed with her, but she was meant to be mine.

And she will always be mine.
But something ached my heart as I drifted off to sleep that night in my parents place.

It was the way her eyes betrayed her emotions when I asked her if she was coming back to me. This made me understand something about her.

She was the kind of girl that disappears.

And she was not going to come back.


"Koala, it's the guy who is not your boyfriend!"

A middle aged man, with grey hair that resembled Serena's hazel brown eyes, greeted me the next morning as I stood ringing doorbell since forever.

Serena was quite fast. She was already staring at me. Her hair was tangled and messy and her eyes were drowsy. I wanted to wake her up with a kiss.

Stop right there. No more kissing.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me as she approached the doorstep.

The man who was clearly her father started to stare at Serena.

"You know this guy? Serena, don't tell me you got yourself a boyfriend already! Don't you think it's too soon after your breakup with that-"

"Peter, please shut up," she said, "that's none of your business."

They continued to stare at each other.

"Looks like there's that bossy girl in you and she's not ready to leave you yet," Peter remarked, "I thought you had learnt a lesson."

"Please, will you stop that?" Serena asked.

"Koala, you are in my house. Remember that."

She shot a nasty glance at Peter.

"Fine."She grumbled, her tone giving away bitter grief and anger. "I'm not going to come to you again. Ever."

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