Chapter 4: Strange Stress

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How strange... I think Blah gave me her writer's  block... I am so going to hit her the next time I see that little- ON WITH THE STORY!


I had a dream that night. Not the kind of dream that normal people get when they show up at school in their underwear. This dream made me wake up trembling.

You're the one?

I was in a dark room. The voice was deep, but was like nails on a chalk board. I couldn't see anything. I felt something on my back. There was something in my hand. I looked down, and it was my bow. It glowed golden, the only light in the room. I pulled the thing on my back over my head so I could see it. It was my quiver, the arrows in there and everything. I put it on my back again and instictivly nocked an arrow.

Really. You're the mighty daughter of Apollo from the prophecy? Show me what you've got...

A light shined on something across the room. It was a target. The second my eyes saw it, I shot three arrows in five seconds. I had gotten a bullseye each time, just like I did in class.

Pretty good, I guess.

Then a new voice joined in. More womenly.

I wonder what happens if we replace that arrow with something else. Maybe... A snake?

The arrow I had nocked began morphing. It grew thicker, slimer, and it became a moss green color. I wanted to drop the bow, but I couldn't. Instead I felt myself pull the string back. I squinted one eye and took aim. Just as I was about to release, the snake coiled back at my face.

"Good morning, sleepy-Hey, what's wrong?" I squinted in the bright light and made out Sarah's face. She looked worried. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and neck. I also tried to casually check my face for any snake bites. I was good. I climbed down from my bunk bed and grabbed some faded blue jean shorts and a purple t-shirt. Then I locked myself in the bathroom. I changed, brushed my teeth and splashed my face a couple times with water.

Just a dream... It was just a dream!

I stepped out of the bathroom. Sarah was standing right behind it.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said moving past her to quickly make my bed. "Just had a bad dream. Whatever." Sarah put her hand on my shoulder.

"Alex," she said. "Bad dreams for demigods usually mean something. What happened in your dream?"

I explained my dream to her. By the time I was done we were outside. She was white as a ghost and looked scared.

"We need to see Chiron." she said. She grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the Big House. "Now." In a matter of minutes we were on the porch. Chiron was playing some card game with another guy. He was big and scruffy, with a Hawiian shirt on. He completely ignored Sarah and me and continued sipping his Diet Coke.

"Alex," Chiron said, looking up from his game. "Would you like to join our game of pinochle?"

"No, Chiron." Sarah said. She sounded so bold, I was surprised. "Alex had a dream." She looked at me. I explained my dream. Somewhere in my talking did the other man start listening. He didn't say anything though.

"I'm going to give you a quest, Alex." Chiron said to me. I nodded and he continued. "You're going to have to speak to the oracle, Rachel. I believe she's at the arena. You're allowed to bring two people with you on the quest."  Sarah and I made our way to the arena.

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