Chapter 3: Games And Gifts

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"Wakey, wakey!" I groaned at the familiar voice. I grabbed my pillow and smacked Sarah. "Hey!" she exclaimed. I laughed and got up. "Here's your shirt." She handed me an orange shirt. "Your mom dropped off some clothes for you and this note." I took the bag and piece of paper from her. I immediately opened the letter.


I hope that by now your father has 'claimed' you, as people say. If not, I know he will eventually. He loves you very much, Alex. I can't say much, but he didn't want to leave us. You were just a baby. I love and miss you. I hope you have fun at camp, and don't forget that you're coming home once the summer is over. Be careful. You are a lot stronger than you think.

Love, Mom 

I'm stronger than I think? How strong do I think I am? Why can't she say much about my dad? And why do I have to be careful? It's just a summer camp!

After I was almost killed by a pegasus for the third time, I began slamming my head on the wall of the stables. Horses don't like me.

"Alex," one of the kids from the Demeter cabin said. "You're trying to control the pegasus! You need to talk to him, keep him calm. Now, try again." I sighed and turned to her.

"Fine." She smiled. "But if I get killed by a pony with wings, tell everyone I died in an epic battle or something." She laughed slightly. I slowly stepped towards the pegasus, trying to ignore everyone else in the class already in the air. The pegasus was golden brown. It stepped back a little. "No, no." I said to it. "It's OK. I won't hurt you." I held out my hand to it. It slowly moved forward. Ten minutes later I managed to get on the pegasus and in the air. About an hour later I had almost fallen off the pegasus in the air four times. "Best class ever!" I yelled sarcastically while making my way to my next class. I made my way to archery, hoping that this would be better than pegasus-riding. Chiron started by showing me the proper way to hold the bow and how to pull back the arrow. I understood it pretty quickly. Then we all took turns shooting three arrows at the target. I was one of the last kids to go.

"Just as I told you, Alex." Chiron said as I took my position. I pulled back the string, aimed, released and held my stance. I had gotten a bullseye. Everyone was pretty shocked. Chiron simply smiled and watched as I nocked my second arrow. I did the same routine; pulled back, aimed, released and hold.

I split the first arrow in half, getting another bullseye.

By then all the other campers in that class were watching wide-eyed. Even I was a little shocked. I nocked my last arrow. Pull, aim, release, hold.

Another bullseye. 

I split the first and second arrows in half. A double split or whatever it's called! Is that even possible? Everyone was crowding around me, patting me on the back, which was hurting my scars a lot. 

"Alex," Chiron said, making everyone go quiet. "I'd like to talk to you after class." I nodded to him and got my arrow out of the target and got the remains of the other two. The arrow that wasn't destroyed was practically poking out the other side of the target!

Class went by pretty quickly. I was sort of afraid. Did I do something wrong?

While everyone else left to lunch I went up to Chiron. The last few people there patted me on the back and said goodbyes.

"That was very impressive, Alex." Chiron said. I relaxed a bit. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Thanks." I said. 

He glanced at the target and the three arrows I held in my hand. "Was this your first time doing archery?" I nodded. "Very impressive. I hope to see a lot more from you this summer."

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