Author's Note/ Short Story

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THE STORY, "WINGED GIRL"! We will now call up the author to say a few things about this great achievement.


So this story has just reached above 100 views on wattpad. I'm not one to usually mention much about my victories. But as a person who has just come here to see if they're good enough to do what they want, which is writing. This is a great achievement. When started writing this, sure it was pretty bad. So I counted that as a starting rough draft.

A month can go by really fast if you don't think about the time very much. But this story actually made it up to 100 in about a month. I've gone through ups and downs when writing this. I often get writer's block, where I can't think of anything, and I can't think of what to write. To be honest I only thought this story would only really get up to half the amount of views I have right now on this story. So I'm just going to make a short story that might help celebrate this moment.

     For people who are reading this and are also wondering when the next legend is going up in my other book. I'm still working on it. The legend I'm working on is pretty long and I would like to translate some things from the book I'm reading about the legends.


     The now seniors Sapphire, Rainer, Persaphire, and Gralyn all walked out to where they all first met. They all sat and talked for a bit, about what had happened when they met, and where they are now. The next destination was the mountains.

     Sapphire had never seen snow ever since she was born. She had always dreamed of seeing it because she thought it was so amazing, and Persaphire would keep telling her how great snow is. They all played in the snow, making snow angels, snowmen, and Persaphire starting a snowball fight. Sapphire had the time of her life.

     They then traveled to where Persaphire loved the most. She was Korean, and the place they went to was somewhat similar to Korea. Persaphire loved the food. They all had their time to look around the place and admire its beauty. Sapphire also always wanted to go to this place.

     After they stuffed their faces and, were fat and happy, they went back to Sapphire's house to hang out and just be friends. They watched movies, played random board games, ate more food until it turned midnight. This was the time they were waiting for.

     Sapphire rushed to the fridge and fetched a cookies n' cream ice cream cake from the freezer. She had Persaphire make sure the cake didn't melt in the freezer at all costs. They couldn't let one thing get ruined tonight. Sapphire placed the cake carefully on the dining table in her house that she could shrink and enlarge whenever she wanted to. The Rainer and Gralyn helped put up the decorations in the house. They didn't have much to do anyway since it was the weekend and they had already finished the work they were given in class. That's all they could do since Sapphire didn't trust them with anything else. Because she didn't want anything to get ruined at all. Also, she knew they were good at decorating for these kinds of occasions.

     Once they were all done. They gathered around the table and sang a happy birthday song. To who you ask dear reader. Well, it wasn't to just one person. It was to everyone. Absolutely everyone in Avalis. The stupid, intelligent, the powerful, the powerless, everyone. Tis the day the world of Avalis is said to have been created. In myths and legends. This is the day that they were created, and chosen. Tis the day that everyone and everything that Sapphire and everyone on Avalis knew of was created. It's kind of like a Christmas and Fourth of July(here in America) for them. When Sapphire, Persaphire, Gralyn, and Rainer first became actual friends. They vowed to visit the places they've always wanted to visit, and places that they love, on this day before midnight, to have a happier Avalation.

     Before they were friends, Sapphire would've never been this happy for Avalation. She's always just gone out of her room in her old house to sing the happy birthday song, then go back. Of course, she smiled on that day, she just didn't really enjoy Avalation to it's fullest.

     "HAPPY AVALATION!!!!!!!" They all yelled out at once. They smiled all together and had even more food. Then after they were finished up with the celebration they simply went to their own rooms and or house to sleep. Sapphire would love this holiday even more since this was always the day she would get happy, joyous dreams, instead of terrifying, heartbreaking nightmares, or dreams.

     "Goodnight, Avalis. Goodnight, to a tomorrow of happiness." Sapphire said before she laid in bed. She held out her hand as she said that as if she was trying to reach that tomorrow of happiness.


     So, Avalation is the celebration of the Avalines. Aka, the people who inhabit Avalis. Aka, Sapphire and her friends. Also, everyone else who is in this story. Except me. ;-;

     As a celebration, from the beginning of me just thinking of ideas of this story, to now. The process of creation of the Winged Girl has been going on for almost three years. This isn't the actual day that it's actually been created though. The actual birthday is between June 6 and all of July. I don't remember the exact day though. :T

     I made Avalation as a way to celebrate the creation of Avalis. As well as the entire story itself. Though it is still a work in progress, it still has existed and is a part of my life. I'm extremely grateful to the people who have decided to take interest in reading this. While I still think it's not good enough, it still means a lot to me, and I'm happy you readers are enjoying it too.

     So happy 3-month early Avalation, and reach out for the tomorrow of happiness.


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