2. Go Away~~~>

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"Rainer! What the hell are you doing over there!" A girl voice called out behind the crowd.

"Hold on. There was just someone getting hurt, and I wanted to help." The voice yelled back at the girl.

Sapphire pulled back her hand and got onto her knee. She quickly went into a running position and quickly analyzed her surroundings for an exit, while still preventing from making eye contact with anyone. There! She managed to find a large gap between the guy who was trying to help her, and the crowd. A gap large enough for her to rush through. Quickly she picked herself up and ran through the gap in the crowd, taking all her belongings with her. She ran so quickly, without turning back once, without even saying a word to the guy who tried to help her out before she left.

Thank goodness, I'm fast enough to leave without anyone being able to really catch up with me for a while. It's just the first day and this is already happening. Sapphire stopped for a second and looked back. She thought to herself whether she should say thanks and show gratitude to the person, but she didn't know how. What are you thinking Sapphire! You don't even know him! Who knows, if you go tell him thank you, then he'll end up using that as a way to get to you. In order to make you do things like do his homework out of guilt and a way to pay back. Yeah, that sounds about ri- "Oh my stars, I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to bump into you like that."

Sapphire was so lost in thought, that she could immediately lose balance when bumped into. When she did, she fell back onto the ground and was snapped back into reality. She looked up to see what had happened while she was lost in thought, and saw a guy who looked her age. He was tan and had pretty brown eyes with a hint of red. He had his hand out to help her up. Sapphire refused and got up herself, the same way she did when she ran away from the crowd.


Rainer Wellens was a proud student of Avalane Highschool. He was an average teenager, nothing special. He did have his friend Gralyn though to help him get along. Gralyn was outgoing guy, everyone liked him. He was a people person. Though Rainer was a weird, quiet, sci-fi nerd. People would often wonder why Gralyn was friends with him, to the point that he had asked Rainer to live with him in a house he bought, in front of the high school. Rainer also had this other friend. Her name was Persaphire and he could already sense the hatred from her the moment he met her. He has no idea how and why he considers them friends, but she is one of the first people that he met in middle school, so she has a pass.

First day of their third year of high school, and he already sees a crowd stirring in front of the bushes. It was before class hours so there wasn't much staff out. Though there's usually no fights around the school, he wanted to see what was going on. That's when Rainer decided to put on and pull up his big boy pants and go try to put an end to the fight.

He walked up to the crowd casually. And asked, "It's the first day of school, and someone's already getting bullied? You do know that this will end up giving our school a bad record?" The crowd looked back at him and stared. He stared back at them and attempted to push through the crowd. Once he got to the center he saw a girl his age on the ground, curled up into a shell as an attempt to protect herself from any damage.

Rainer gave a sigh of disappointment at the sight of the poor girl. She had long brown hair, and was wearing a navy blue short-sleeved shirt, with blue jeans. It looked like she had her backpack at her chest to prevent anything inside from getting harmed. Though she already started getting bruises on her arms from being kicked. Rainer held his arm out as an attempt to help her up. He reached his hand out close enough that she would be able to feel that it was there without actually touching the girl. She shook a little, and she kept her eye on the ground. She started to lift her arm up, but Rainer noticed that she was hesitating to do so. He thought that it might've been because her arm was numb, or she was scared. She was so close to grabbing hold of his hand until Rainer heard Persaphire's voice from behind the crowd.

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