1. First Day Of School~~>

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     Running, just running is all the 14 year old girl did. Screeches of horror were yelling out for her to come back, but she couldn't. There was no turning back. She ran towards a small speck of light. The only thing that she could see, that looked safe.

    Closer, closer, just a little bit more... She reached it.

    "Don't worry child. You're safe now." A mysterious voice told the girl. She started to cry, and hugged herself to calm down. Until a flash of light ended it all.

    The 14 year old girl, Sapphire, awoke from her sleep. She got up and went to get ready for school, but as she was grabbing her laptop from her desk, she noticed a note. She didn't care for it, so she just stuffed it inside her laptop, and went to grab the door.

    She was still half asleep so she didn't notice that the doorknob that was supposed to be there disappeared. She examined the door over and over again, until she got jerked up into the air.

    She was being propelled up, down, and everywhere across the room. She kept getting pounded against the walls that this actually woke her up. It took a while before she realized what was going on, and started yelling. The feeling of being thrown against the wall felt way too familiar to her, but she didn't even know why. Before she could think of anyway to get herself down once she finally calmed down, she was dropped onto her bed. Her roof wasn't so high, buy a fall from a roof maybe 15 feet up above the ground, after being hit against the wall several times, will most likely hurt you.

    "What was that?" Sapphire looked around the room. She had just moved into the house three days ago, and she already feels like it's not safe. She decided to brush it off and go to school.

    There was a ceremony being held at the center of the school, to welcome the new students. There was even a pamphlet. Whenever there was an assembly or ceremony Sapphire had to go to, she always wished there would be a pamphlet so she could read it instead of making eye contact with the speaker and getting pulled up onto the stage to do something.

    "Oh look here, kids the main attraction. I call it, The Walking Nobody!" A familiar evil voice echoed from a close distance. Sapphire decided to look down and keep walking until something grabbed her shoulder and pulled back, causing her to lose balance. Sapphire quickly fell on the floor, and was surrounded, but she still kept her head down.

    "It's the first day of school, and someone's already getting bullied. You do know that this will end up giving our school a bad record." An unfamiliar voice said. Sapphire could hear the people surrounding her part, to give the person room to walk through.

    The reach she felt from that person felt so close, it was so warm, though she couldn't look up at all. She just couldn't. She thought for the first time that she could be fine, everything would be all good, nothing would bother her as much as they used to. She reached back at the warm feeling she felt.

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