3. My Hero~~~>

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Sapphire walked away after being teamed up against by 3 students that she only had learned. As the new student who barely left her new house after moving there, she didn't really pay attention to the students there. She still had half an hour to get to class, so she just decided to wade that time in the library. She didn't care about getting ahead of the classes because this was one of the top schools that anyone could go to in Avalis. Plus she might as well see what she was going to speed up on doing before she does so.

You know how she wanted to waste her time in the library of the school, and you know how she is the new kid, and do you remember how the boy named Gralyn said that she most likely needed a guide around the school because it was a huge campus, and she refused the offer. Well, now guess what happened?............. She got lost.

When she heard the boy say that the campus was huge. He underrated the meaning of huge in his sentence. She walked around the halls of the main building aimlessly, looking for what might've been the library of the school. She accidentally walked into several classrooms, ones she wasn't even going to end up going to because they were classes for the freshmen. She came to the school as a sophomore. "Where could it be? How could a high school campus be this huge!?" She yelled out in anger because she couldn't find out how to even get out of the main building anymore.

There! A voice inside spoke to her. When it did, she was facing a door. It was a medium-sized door, not the average size of a door that you would normally see. She walked to it and placed her hand on it, and pushed slightly. The door didn't budge. "What?" She pushed against the door several times, but it still didn't budge.


"So which class should we visit first?" Rainer asked Gralyn.

"Don't know. Ask Persaphire."

"But didn't you already go to some classes? Can't you tell where you went first so that we could go too?"

"Idiot. This is high school. We have different class schedules remember." Gralyn scolded Rainer back into his senses.

"Oh yeah. Well, then what's your schedule Persaphire?" Rainer and Gralyn stared at where Persaphire was supposed to be standing, but she disappeared. The two looked around and went around a corner to see Persaphire peeping around another corner. They asked her what she was peeping at but then they looked where Persaphire was staring and then they saw Sapphire walking around looking lost.

She slowly turned around several times looking carefully at every direction. The three hid every time she stared at their direction so that they wouldn't seem like they were spying on her. She ended up running past them and ended up on the other side of the building. The three followed her quietly to see what she was doing. "She's lost," Persaphire told the two boys. "After walking off so smoothly, she ends up getting lost. Unbelievable."

"So what are we going to do? We can't just leave her getting lost, she's the new kid. We can't just let her get a bad grade on her first day here because she couldn't find out where she was supposed to go." Rainer implied. Persaphire stared at him, and then they both looked at Gralyn. He kept watching Sapphire walk aimlessly looking for a way out.

"You guys. Shhh. Look." Gralyn pointed at where Sapphire was standing. The three watched her walk towards a door and try to push it open. "Isn't that the teacher's lounge?"


Sapphire pushed as hard as she could to try to open the door, but it just won't open. She started to give up until she heard someone say from afar that a somewhere was the teacher's lounge. She turned around immediately to where she heard the sound come from and slowly walked towards it. "You idiot. Why'd you talk so loud? She's going towards us now." Whispers came from behind a little intersection wall. Sapphire went towards it and stopped right before going around it. She went down onto her knees and sat down in front of the wall.

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