Short story

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     Have you ever moved to a new place before? Sapphire did, after she was smart enough to live by herself. Her household didn't help her growing much either. Sapphire's siblings always gave her a hard time, leading her to always have a low self esteem, but she still didn't give up on life. Because every time something really depressing happens to her, she always ends up having a dream, that helps her fight it.

     Sapphire was born normal in a magical world. She didn't really know many people who were normal like her. Living in a family where she didn't even get to be herself, she wasn't able to even express herself either. Whenever she cried alone at home, only her pillow and her FAVORITE stuffed bear would know, that she cried. She bottled up her sadness whenever put her room, and kept it like that all her life. Until she got the chance to leave.

     Of course, she would occasionally have those nightmares, like in the first chapter. After having those nightmare, she is now able to vent out because she lives alone. Loneliness never affected her. She was already used to it. She learned by herself, the hard way, that it was better to be by yourself. It's better than hanging out with people you know will end up hurting you, when push comes to shove. The sad thing about humans, are that most of the time it's hard to know when, and if they are planning on betraying you. They can just flip a switch, whenever they want, and cause you to be affected by it.

     Sapphire used that to her advantage though. She was starting to get used to being stubborn and letting that behavior slide. She doesn't know any better. Sometimes, she might lose her temper, and then the day after that, she would act as if nothing happened. She would get hurt by the smallest things. If someone were to end an argument with her, an argument she started, and then the other person were to end it so coldly. Such as ending it with a bye, or fine, and nothing else. She would end up thinking of a way to apologize to that person immediately, but then end up not even apologizing.

     That's the kind of person Sapphire is. She has many things to work on. Her behavior, way of thinking, everything. The stars still chose her. I wonder why?


     Sapphire's actions are being based off of me, the author, and I may add in things that are happening to my friends. If I were the stars that choose the chosen ones. I would definitely choose my friends who I may be basing Sapphire's actions and behavior off of. They're amazing people, and I know that some of them are having hard times at this moment.

     Hehe, that's what I love about writing. You can write about everything you feel, with a hidden identity, or as yourself. I've always loved this perspective I made on writing. I'm going to use this, as a way to make myself better at it.

     Some advice for people who may also agree with me on writing. If you're having trouble believing that you're writing is good enough, because people keep on criticizing it. Just use those words, and things that the critics criticize you with, and use it against them. Use it as a way to make yourself better. Don't get all sad about it. Trial and error. Trust me, it's common for yourself to not believe that whatever you're doing is good enough. I heard it might mean that you're smarter.

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