xv. we are grounders: part one

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"Cᴏᴍᴇ ᴏɴ

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"Cᴏᴍᴇ ᴏɴTʜᴇsᴇ foxholes aren't gonna build themselves."  Skye can hear Bellamy's voice from the other side of the wall.  She's helping Octavia build a canopy over the wall by handing her leaf-filled branches from the ground so snipers can sit up there to shoot.  After she hands her all of the leaves, she climbs up beside Octavia to help situate the branches.  Her eyes find Bellamy and Raven talking and she can't hide the scowl on her face.

Bellamy didn't chase after her after she told him she loved him.  He probably didn't even understand her, but she knows he would've followed her if he didn't.  It wasn't until later she found out he'd left camp to go find Clarke, Finn, and some kid named Myles.  When he came back, he only found Myles and had lost Monty.  By then, it was too late for him to even worry about her and she understood that because they were in war now with the Grounders.  He had enough stress than to add her feelings to the pile.

But she was still upset about the Raven thing and it probably is bitchy of her to dislike Raven since Bellamy didn't even stop the situation.  Also, there was the fact that Raven didn't necessarily know what was going on between the two.  Hell, even the two of them didn't know what was going on.  However, Skye wasn't the type of girl to let things go or to just blame one person.  In her mind, it was a group effort.

"What are you scowling about?" Octavia questions before looking to where Skye was staring.  "Bellamy and Raven?  They're just friends."  Skye scoffs.  "They're not?"  Skye makes an okay with her fingers and sticks another finger in the hole.  "Ew.  Okay, enough."  Octavia slaps Skye's hands down and it semi makes her feel better.

Everyone is startled from what they're doing as someone's gun goes off.  The guy standing adjacent from Octavia and Skye stumbles to his feet in alarm.

"Hey!" Bellamy shouts, making his way to the kid.  "What the hell is the matter with you?"

"I'm-I'm sorry, man.  I fell asleep.  I've been on watch all day."

Bellamy grips him by his jacket and slams him into the tree he had been sitting against.  "We've all been on watch all day!  That bullet was one less dead Grounder."

"Bell," Octavia cuts in.  "You're scaring people."

Bellamy faces her as he speaks, "They should be scared!"  He lets the kid go and steps back down to flat ground.  "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up!  The Grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do!  Clarke, Finn, and Monty are gone, probably dead, and if you want to be next, I can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp!  This camp is the only thing keeping us alive!"  Everyone just stares at him.  "Get back to work!"

A few hours later, with morning coming in less than two, Skye decides she needs a break and Octavia tells her she'd be fine.  She jumps down from her spot and heads for the water basin in the middle of camp.  She gets there the same time Bellamy does, and there's an awkward silence among them as they fill up cups.  Subconsciously, Skye's hand goes to her necklace and she fidgets with it.  Bellamy notices and his lips turn up.  He takes his cup he'd gotten for Myles and walks away.

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