xii. unity day and i am become death

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Tʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʀʏɪɴɢ Sᴋʏᴇ did over possibly having to help train some of the delinquents was for naught

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Tʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʀʏɪɴɢ Sᴋʏᴇ did over possibly having to help train some of the delinquents was for naught.  All she had to do was tell Bellamy she wasn't comfortable using a gun and he understood. During one of Bellamy and Skye's late night talks she told him Monty and Jasper were the only ones who would work with her, so he put her to work with them and her friendship with them grew.

However, Bellamy and Skye's relationship was growing as well.  Not that they'd confessed their feelings to each other—because there were definite feelings—but their occasional close proximity became fleeting, soft touches.  Whenever the other entered the room, their eyes would linger a little too long and check out a little more than what they were supposed to.  In their daily talks, they didn't settle on holding hands.  Bellamy sometimes let her run her fingers through his hair, and Skye always allows him to wrap his arm around her waist and skim his fingers over the exposed skin under her jacket.  Some nights, they wouldn't even talk.  Instead, she'd lean against his shoulder as they stare up at the sky.  His once women-filled tent was now more of a one man tent with the rare nights it was too cold for them to sit outside.

Four days after Octavia and Skye help Lincoln escape, the camp and the Ark celebrate Unity Day.  The day where the twelve stations came together to form the Ark.  Of course, there were thirteen stations to begin with until they blew it up, but no one likes to mention it.  Skye's shift of work was done for the day and all there was left to do was to watch Jaha give his Unity Day speech through the screen Raven set up outside.

"My friends," he begins.  "This is a historic Unity Day.  Every year, we mark the moment of our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her.  Next year, on the ground."  The people on the Ark applaud him.

"Right," Miller says from beside Skye.  "After we did all the work.  Someone shut him up."

"You shut up, Miller," Raven says.  "No one's forcing you to watch."

"For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence hoping that someday our descendants would return to earth."

"Whoo!  Yeah!" Jasper cheers, carrying out a large container out of his tent.  "Monty strikes again!"  He removes his goggles from over his eyes as he jogs to the middle of the crowd.  "Call this batch unity juice!  Who's thirsty?"  Everyone cheers as they rush to him with their cups.

Jasper is in the middle of pouring someone's drink when he sees Skye over a crowd of heads.  He stops midway through pouring the person's drink and cuts through the crowd to get to her.  "Skye!"  He stumbles over someone's foot towards her, and she bolts to catch the container full of moonshine as he tumbles to the ground.  He's quick to his feet.  "I like where your priorities are at.  Now, you have to drink some of Monty's moonshine. I'm not letting you walk away without having a cup."  She shakes her head as she hands back the container.  "Come on, Skye.  Let loose like your curls did once you finally got rid of those awful braids."  Her hand goes to her chest and her mouth drops open in fake hurt.  He smiles and holds a cup out for her.  She rolls her eyes and takes it, causing him to cheer and fill her cup.

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