"Quick. Get inside before people associate us with my mom," Callan whispered, pulling me into the store behind him.

"Right," I laughed. "That would be just dreadful."

"No, it would be embarassing," he said with a serious look on his face.

I laughed again before ruffling his hair and walking over to the pens section.

Cal and I have grown really close these past few days. I've gotten to know so much about him it's like we have grown up together. I wish we had. Maybe if I would have known how much fun he is I would have insisted getting to see him more often.

Turns out, we have a bathroom that connects our rooms which makes it really easy for me to just walk over to his room without going into the hallway. We made an agreement that he let me have all the counter space I needed, if I let him take long showers without complaining.

"Let's see. What pen screams 'i'm the best'?"

"Hum...How about-," before Callan can finish his sentence, we are interupted by a group of little girls.

"Oh my gosh! Your Rory Pinnock!"

I love my fans, but hopefully I can get this group of girls to stay quiet. I made my body guard stay at home, insisting that I would be fine.

"Hi. Do you girls want a picture," I asked them.

There were three of them, but only two were talking. The third was was just standing there with her mouth open and her eyes huge. I guess she has never seen anyone famous in real life.

"Yes please," the tallest exclaimed, grabbing the other two's arms, and scambling over to stand next to me.

"Cal, do you mind taking a picture of us," I asked him, holding the iPhone one of the little girls gave me.

Seriously? An iPhone this young? What has this world come to?

"Sure," he said taking the phone. "Everyone say Lalapalooza."

I laughed as he said that while the girls tried to pronounce the word.

"Thank you so much! We are such huge fans!"

"Yeah! We especially love the episode of 'Loving Red' you were in."

"I dressed up as you for Halloween!"

They were saying one thing right after another and I didn't even know how they could talk that fast, much less think of what they were going to say next.

I laughed before squatting down so I could be more eye level with them.

"You know what girls, I think you are all right. You girls might just be my biggest fans," I told them with a sincere smile.

"Really," the one girl who was shocked at the beginning asked.

"Absolutely, but I need you girls to do me a favor?"

"Anything," they all said at the same time.

"I need you to keep seeing me a secret for a little while. I don't want the paparazzi to find me just yet. Can you girls do that? It can be our little secret," I asked with a hopeful smile.

"Can I tell my mom?"

"Yes, but no one else. Got it?"

"Okay," they exclaimed after exchanging side glances

They threw out more compliments before hugging me and skipping away.

"How cute were they," I asked Cal with a smile.

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