Chapter 17

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3 Years later...

Adrien POV

I stood in the classroom of the elementary school I was currently subbing for, the teacher had to leave the school on maternity leave so I was here for a good 6-9 months I watched as my girlfriend walked into the classroom and all the little boys stared at her, I walked over and hugged her kissing her forehead quickly before she handed me my lunch that I had apparently forgotten at our apartment.

"Class, keep working I'm going to chat with this pretty lady for a little while you work." The students nodded and I pulled Marinette over to the desk and she sat down on it while I sat in the chair.

"So you doing your studying while they do their work?" I nodded and opened up my computer showing her my notes and she looked over the book and smiled kissing my cheek.

"How's your new designs coming along? I know you've been working very hard on them, I can tell by the mess that's always in your studio when I get home." Marinette smiled sheepishly at me and she had a small blush on her cheeks probably because she's typically a very neat person.

"Yeah, I haven't gotten around to cleaning that room up, mainly cause everything is an organized disaster, but I'll clean it up once I finish my new design, then the process of an organized disaster will begin again once I send it to the people who mass produce with the quality I like." I smiled and stood up from my chair leaning closer to her face and I kissed her lips, I feel so lucky to have her in my life, I really don't deserve her as my soulmate, she's much to amazing for me.

"Well then you better go get to work on that design I want that room clean before Alya and Nino decide to make a spontaneous visit and stay the night cause they drank to much." Marinette nodded and saluted to me standing from the table and kissing my cheek.

"I'll see you later, I'll try finishing that design by the end of today but there's no promises." I laughed and Marinette waved to the class as she left the room and all their hands raised probably with questions about Marinette I decided I'd give them a brake and answer some of them I called on a girl that sat in front who was eager to ask her question.

"Mr.Agreste was that pretty lady your girlfriend?" She asked and I chuckled knowing that would be the first question asked.

"Yes she is, she's my soulmate matter of fact, and once you all find your soulmates never let them go, cause they'll stick by your side no matter what." The girls nodded and the boys gagged at the thought of soulmates, I called on a boy near the back of the classroom.

"Are you gonna marry her Mr.Agreste?" He asked and I blushed at the thought of marrying the love of my life.

"Yes I do plan on marrying her, she's been through a lot though so I'm not sure when I'm going to propose to her." The girls squealed at the word propose and the boys eyes saddened, they probably wanted to try and steal Marinette from me.

"Mr.Agreste! While our teacher is away are we going to learn about soulmates?!" A little girl and boy asked at the same time then looking at each other and blushing.

"Yes, I can plan something like that." They all yelled in excitement but I quickly moved to quiet the children.

"What's your girlfriends name?" A little girl asked and I had to think for a quick second to think of telling them or not, I figured there would be no harm in it, Marinette has been all over the tabloids with her new fashion lines and being the top new designer at my father's company.

"Her name is Marinette, she's an amazing designer at my dad's company and I'm sure you've seen her on your mom's magazines and on TV." The children's eyes lit up and one little girl looked especially excited, probably an aspiring designer like Marinette was.

"How long does it take her to make one design perfectly!?" The little girl yelled across the class and I laughed.

"It takes her a couple weeks to a couple months to get the designs the exact way she wants them, she's a very indecisive person so she can never decide on anything." The class laughed and the little girl seemed even more fascinated by Marinettes process. "I'm sure she would love to have an apprentice designer though." The little girls eyes lit up and she started squealing.

"Really!? Oh mon dieu!" She yelled in excitement and the child reminded me allot of Marinette when she would win my father's contests with her designs even after she had lost her memory.

"Ask your mother first and then I'll set up a meeting with her miss Marinette and myself to discuss whether you're allowed to or not." An older student ran into the room in the middle of the discussion and waved for me to follow them out of the classroom.

"Mr.Agreste, something happened..."

Text Me Sometime (MLB Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now