Chapter 2

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I see it's just another text from Alya asking if I'm okay and I respond that I might go home so I don't bum everyone out and so Chloe can't be rude to me anymore. She quickly responds and tells me that Adrien took off when he read my message.

"Mari!" I quickly look up and see Adrien standing there panting and he walks up to me and hugs me tightly. "If my soulmate is anyone I, in all honesty hope that it's you, because your amazing and beautiful, and if it isn't me then whoever your soulmate is, is an idiot for igoring you for so long." He walks me out of th e class and I hug him and I feel his lips touch my head and blush covers my face.

"Adrien, what if you never find your soulmate?" He lets me go and looks at me holding my shoulders.

"I'll marry you." My face turns bright red and he chuckles scratching his neck. "Just kidding." I frown a bit but he looks up and smirks pulling me to him by my waist. "That is if you want me to be just kidding." I push him away and he laughs as my face continues to stay heated.

"Stupid!" I slap his chest and laugh as he laughs to and I see Alya standing there with her phone out snapping pictures.

"Mari you wound my fragile heart." we start laugh again and he smiles down at me once he finishes laughing.

"Adrikins! Why are you spending time with this Mari-Trash instead of me! I'm your soulmate!" I see Adrien looks over at Chloe and roll his eyes.

"Chloe didn't you hear me the first time, I'm not your soulmate!" I feel his arm wrap around my waist and my face lights up like a firework.

"But Adrien!" Chloe's phone dings and she looks down at her phone and her face goes blank.

"Chloe! We're going to be late for class!" Sabrina grabs Chloe and runs into class and Adrien let's go of my waist and gives me a cheeky smile as I punch his arm.

He laughs and I stomp into the classroom taking my seat next to Alya and she shows me the pictures and my face turns bright red.

"A-Alya! Why do you have pictures of that!?" Adrien walks into the classroom and Alya shows him the pictures and he smirks at me.

"You guys are my OTP if your soulmate isnt each other I'll be surprised." Nino kisses Alya's forehead and sits in his seat facing me and the Brunette.

"OTP huh? I guess if Alya says so then we're meant to be Mari." He leans into my face and I push his face away and he sits in his chair.

"Just sit down and shut up you dumb cat." He smirks again and I look down at him and see Chloe right behind him.

"Adrikins! Why are you flirting with this Mari-Trash instead of me!" She hugs his neck and he acts like he's choking and I giggle hiding my mouth.

"Because you obviously have a soulmate that is responsive and I don't even know who my soulmate is and neither does Mari, so I can flirt with whoever I want to as long as they don't have a soulmate yet and until I get a phone." I blush and Chloe puffs out her cheeks and glares at me and I pretend to be scared but I'm really not.

"Fine." Chloe walks over to Sabrina sitting in her seat and I burst out in laughter holding my stomach and I would have fallen out of my chair if Alya hadn't pulled me back up.

"Marinette your face is red." Nino points out as I let out a small snort and immediately stop laughing covering my face as everyone else starts laughing.

"Settle down class." Mrs.Bustier walks in and everyone stops laughing and she writes the topic for today on the board and today's just so happens to be about soul mates. "Today's topic is on soul mates now I know some of you don't exactly have one yet, and some of you don't have phones which means you don't have or even know yours yet, but for those of you who do have a cellphone and have resposive soul mates can be completely involved in this project." I sigh and lay my head in my hands and Alya places her hand on my shoulder and I nod my head and she turns her head back to Mrs.Bustier.

After Class

"That was the longest 45 minutes of my life, I can't even use any of that stuff that she taught us because I don't even have a soulmate." Alya rubs my back as Nino comforts Adrien.

"Don't worry girl I know that your soulmate will respond eventually maybe he's just to nervous because your such a great girl?" I nod my head and pull out my phone sending him another message and Alya pats my back and smiles at me.

Text Me Sometime (MLB Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now