Chapter 5

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Marinette POV

I was giddy the whole next day at school because my soulmate said that he loved me and I would blush everytime I thought of my response to him.

"Girl your a mess, what happened to your little crush on Adrien?" I shook my head signaling that it was gone and my dreams of what my soulmate might look like continuing in my head.

"My soulmate said he loves me...I'm over it..." I sigh happily and see Adrien staring at me and I raise an eyebrow looking at him like he's crazy causing him to start laughing.

"Mari, are you sure your okay? Your not being your usual stuttery, blushy self." Alya turns my head towards her and feels around my face as I giggle.

"Alya, I'm fine. I'm just in a really, really good mood." I see that Adrien's eyes are on me again and I wave smiling.

His face shoots up in blush and I pull out my phone sending a message to my soulmate and hear a ding from right in front of me and see Adrien pull out a phone and I see him start to text and I see a message appear on my phone and I can tell that it isn't just coincidence that Adrien now has a phone and that I'm recieveing messages directly after he finishes texting.

"Girl what are you and Adrien talking about?" Alya leans over whispering to me and I blush thinking that I may actually be texting Adrien.

"I'm not texting Adrien, I'm texting my soulmate." Alya smirks and Adrien looks back at her and I see kind of a pleading look in his eyes and Alya nods her head in a knowing sort of way and shuts her mouth as I turn off the ringer on my phone and start paying attention to the class after reading one last message from my soulmate.

'you look beautiful today Princess. 😽'

As class finishes and everyone leaves for lunch I sit there trying to finish my homework since I didn't finish it during the class time and it was physics so it wasn't my best subject but it's a mandatory class so I had to take it plus my friends were in this class so it was more fun when I get paired with them.

"Girl You wanna go get lunch with me? Nino and Adrien will be joining us." I nod my head and start to put my things away a pencil drops to the for, and I see a hand holding it out to me as I look up and she Adrien.

"Thanks Adrien, but I could've picked it up myself." He sets the pencil in my bag and I see a small amount of blush on his tan face.

I giggle and take his hand holding it tightly as I walk towards Alya and Nino, we walk towards my parents bakery because that was the only thing everyone could agree on and we could get everything for free.

"Help yourselves to anything we're going out for lunch so you kids will be alone here." My parents waved to us as they got in their car and drove off and Alya has an evil glint in her eyes and it made me not want to know what she was thinking but Nino was just stupid enough to ask her.

"Alya what are you thinking?" I facepalmed rubbing my forehead after hearing the slap impact of my hand hitting my forehead while Adrien grabbed me some ice from the freezer.

"I'm thinking why did Mari just slap herself and that we should play truth or dare." The glint returns to her eye and I blush because her dares are always so embarrassing.

"I'm down, Adrien are you?" Adrien hands me the ice pack and nods his head as everyone looks at me.

"F-Fine..." They all cheer and I grab a bottle as I set it down on the table it lands on Adrien and Alya smirks.

"Adrien, Truth or Dare?" He looks at her, a scared look in his eyes as he thinks about what he was going to respond.

"D-Dare." Alya starts laughing evilly and I know that isnt a good sign.

"I dare you to make out with Marinette." blush quickly covers both of our faces and Adrien looks at me and I feel his lips on mine and my breath hitches as my eyes widen and I hear Alya and Nino high-five each other.

I melt into the kiss and as I feel Adrien's lips pull away I miss the warmth of his soft lips on mine and the way our lips felt like they fit together perfectly but I knew that if we had kissed any longer we would have gone paces we would eventually regret and that was just a simple innocent kiss people do it all the time plus I'll be able to kiss my soulmate eventually when he ends his little game of hide and seek.

"Well that was guys look like you would have really gotten into it if we hadn't been here." I look out the window of the bakery remembering every detail of the kiss until I see someone I never thought I would see ever again...

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