[Chapter 13] That Was The Plan

Start from the beginning

"WAIT!" Toby exclaimed before Meghan took her shot. He looked at everyone before continuing to explain, "We should save them. Not shoot them."

"But Felix..." Someone began to say.

"No, I don't care what he threatens to do to us. We need to save them!" He pointed out at the lake.

"But they already got hit twice. What's the use in saving them when they're barely alive?" One of the challenge girls questioned.

"They might have a chance to survive if we help them. If we just leave them there, they'll die. And I don't know if any of you feel the same, but I don't want anymore people dying."

"I agree, Toby," Molly butted in, "But saving them is too risky. I know Felix. And I know what he's capable of."

"And I know what we're capable of," Toby replied, taking a step towards Molly, "And I know we can save them and survive whatever fucking punishment Felix has in store for us. You're underestimating the power of us, Molly."

She stared at him for the longest before caving in to the idea. Half of the group swam out into the lake and untied the two from the poles they were suspended from. Slung over Toby's and Ian's shoulders, Rachael and Anthony were brought back to shore.

"What do we do now?" Ian asked through clenched teeth. He wasn't handling too well under Anthony's weight.

"I know!" Abby exclaimed, "Take them to the infirmary!"


Joey was asleep when the "traitors" were brought into the infirmary. They were set down on the two beds to Joey's left and right. Abby immediately started getting the two of them help, starting with putting oxygen masks over their mouths and noses.

"I need you to flip them on their sides," Abby ordered, pointing at the two who brought them to the infirmary. "Someone get me some antiseptic!" She added.

Zach rushed into the back room.

"A-A-Abby?" Joey stuttered as he woke up from the little nap he was in.

"Not right now, Joey!" Abby yelled as Zach returned with the antiseptic. Abby took it into her possession and put some on a cloth she had Mari hand her from one of the nightstand drawers.

First treated was Rachael. The adviser tensed up in pain as the antiseptic went into the cuts in her back. "Rachael, I need to do this or you'll get infected," Abby informed her.

"Someone help Anthony!" Ian cried.

"I will! Just...give me...a few more...minutes," The only adviser besides Rachael who knew how to treat people replied as she finished up disinfecting her friend's cuts. She walked around to the other bed and started treating Anthony's wounds.

Soon after, Rachael and Anthony were left to rest. As the group walked back towards camp, Phil, who was about five feet behind the group because he was still using the crutches for support, blurted out, "What are we going to do now?" They all stopped and looked back at him, "I mean, you guys tried escaping. Obviously it didn't work. So what are we going to do now?"

No one was immediate to respond. And it wasn't a matter of they didn't want to, but it was because they didn't know how to.

"Well we're obviously going to need a new route," Hailey, the girl who had returned from safely from the first attempt, said, "He found us last time. He's bound to find us again."

"She's right," Mari agreed.

"Okay, let's wait till after the alarm sounds," Molly stated, "Then we can meet up in the mess hall and plan out a new map."

"But he'll know we're there," Ian reminded her, "We should meet up somewhere else."

"How about one of your cabins?" Zach suggested, "They may not be big, but I'm sure we can all fit." Everyone exchanged glances before agreeing that that was the plan. All they had to do was make sure Felix didn't catch on.

Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Joey stared at the tortured and manipulated girl who helped him with his leg (though it wasn't looking too great right then). Her back was to him and he couldn't quite picture why she would have five circles on her back. Same went for Anthony.

"Hey, Joey..." Anthony groaned.

Joey looked over at him and stared at him apprehensively. Anthony was the one who made him be put in the infirmary in the first place.

"Hey," He replied nervously, "W-What happened to you?"

Anthony laughed, though it was short lived because it was too painful. He sighed and answered, "Well, I'm not sure if you knew, but the first escape group tried escaping last night. And it..."

"Failed miserably," Rachael joined in. Joey looked over at her and saw she was now facing him, "No one got out. The only person who was safe was Hailey."

"Who's Hailey?"

"One of the girls from that one challenge," Anthony retorted, "But you wouldn't know. You weren't there."

"I'm sorry, but if you don't remember, I was stabbed in the leg!" Joey yelled at Anthony.

"I didn't stab you, I hit you!" He shouted in return.

"It doesn't matter! You're the reason I'm here in the first place!" Joey swung his legs over the side of the bed and put his feet on the floor. Rachael's eyes widened. Joey lifted himself off of the bed and clenched his fists by his sides. Pain surged through his body. He pushed through it and threw his index finger in Anthony's direction, "You did it because of what happened between Kalel and me, right?"

"Excuse me?" Anthony inquired.

"You heard me," Joey remarked, "You hit me because I slept with Kalel, didn't you?"

"Oh my god," Rachael murmured under her breath as she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Admit it!" Joey yelled, "That was the plan all along, wasn't it?" He leaned forward and clutched onto the edge of Anthony's hospital, "You just can't handle that Kalel doesn't love you anymore."

"You bast-" Anthony started to say when he clutched his chest, cutting himself short. Joey stared at him in confusion. Rachael sat up, fear filling up inside of her. He started gasping for air.

"He's having a heart attack!" Rachael shrieked, "Joey, you have to help him!"

"I'm not helping him!" Joey replied, trying to look back at her but instead losing his balance a d falling to the floor. Rachael rolled her eyes as she pulled all her strength together and crawled over the beds to get to the person she escaped with.

"Anthony, calm down, breathe," Rachael murmured as she started having chest pains herself. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain before she screamed, "SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!"

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