Chapter 31

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~+Edd's P.O.V+~

Tord and I had ended up cutting off our conversation when I told him I wanted to get some sleep. He seemed a bit sad about that, oddly, but he did let me get some sleep.
For about ten minutes.

After about ten minutes, Tord shook me awake. I groaned, rubbing my head, trying to shake the drowsiness from my head.

"Tooooord... I'm tired..." I yawned, looking up at Tord, who was looking down at me. 

"Eddd.. I'm tired..." Tord mocked, a grin on his face. I sat up, no longer slouching so much to the point where I was literally halfway off my chair. 

"Did you wake me up just to mock me?" I asked, an unintentional annoyed tone in my voice.

"No. I woke you up so I could tell you that we're ready to get off the plane," Tord responded. I looked behind him, noticing the isle, which was filled with people shuffling down the narrow pathway to the exit. Still slightly tired, I stood up, stretched a bit, and shoved myself into the mob of people heading toward the exit. I assumed Tord, Tom, and Matt did the same, since we grouped up at the luggage-retrieval area pretty quickly. The four of us picked up our luggage and we trekked back through security, finally making outside the airport.

I took a deep breath and smiled, exhaling and looking at the rest of the gang, "It's good to be home! Even if we were only away for two days..."

Tom shrugged, speaking up, "I guess. But we have to do schoolwork again."

"But next week Mr. Brantley said he'd bring in a real person to demonstrate how to properly kill a person on a stealth mission!" Tom said with a huge smile.

"Yeah! I heard it was some.. depressed teenager. It sounds kind of cruel, but I guess it'll be alright if the guy wants to die," I said with a shrug. We all agreed. Except for Matt. He was just staring at the clouds, not even listening. I sighed slightly, facepalming.

I had been the person who drove all of us to the airport, so we all piled our suitcases into the back of my car and got in. Since I was pretty much the only person who could legally drive, I drove us all back to campus. We had today off and the next day off, just so we could all get settled in again. Tom and Matt headed to their dorm while Tord and I headed to ours. It had only been two days, but it felt odd being back.

A meow rang out from the mini kitchen in our dorm, followed my a bark. Ringo dashed out of the kitchen, leaping onto my bed and staring up at me. Striker, Tord's mechanical dog, did the same, with a bit of struggle. I smiled, happy to be greeted by our pets. Tord had normally kept Striker powered off, since he didn't have the resources to fix him if he broke. Recently, though, Edd had convinced Tord to power Striker back on to help keep Ringo company while the two of them were gone.

I leaned against the wall, quite tired from our trip. Two hands were placed on either side of me, blocking me from just walking off. A bit panicked, I looked in front of me, seeing Tord standing in front of me, a creepy grin on his face. I blushed, slapping Tord across the face and pushing him away.

"I'm not that kind of person, Tord.... And even if I was, I'm too tired," I grunted, looking away. Tord swept me off my feet and walked over to me bed, dropping me down onto it beside Ringo and Striker. I looked at him, a though entering my mind. I sat up and smiled slightly.

"Hey Tord, can you sit down next to me really quick? I have something I wanted to talk to you about."

"....Sure.." Tord replied, hesitantly sitting down next to me. I grinned and quickly started tickling him. He giggled, which soon turned into bounds of laughter and him begging me to stop. 

"Only if you promise to never do that to me again!" I said with a smile.

"I-I can't make promises! But please just s-stop!" Tord said in between laughs. 

"Fine! But just remember how I'll get back at you if you do that again," I said, in a joking tone.

Tord hugged me and smiled, speaking in a sarcastic tone "Whatever you say..."


"Tord! Hurry up on getting ready for the show tonight! It shouldn't take this long too dress in something nice!" I called from the kitchen. Even though it was still our first day back, I already had tickets for tonight's performance of the musical Tord and I were going to see. I'll admit, I was probably a LOT more excited than he was.

"I know, I know! Just let me finish buttoning my shirt!" Tord called from the bathroom. A few seconds later, Tord walked out of the bathroom, wearing plain black pants,  and a white button-up shirt. I was wearing something similar, but with an overcoat. The two of us looked at each other, smiled and walked down to the theater.

"Edd, are you sure this'll be a good musical?" Tord asked as we sat in our seats, waiting for the show to start.

"Mhm! I brought tissues in case we cried or something," I replied with a smile, shrugging.

"I mean, it just kind of-" The lights went out and the curtains slowly unveiled the stage, causing Tord to go quiet.

And alas, the show started.

"Dear Evan Hansen:

Today is going to be an amazing day, and here's why,"


When I finished this chapter on Friday I thought I didn't have any work because I had my Sunday chapter for his fic ready, and I'd managed to get another chapter for my other fic done--

But I completely forgot I had to do another chapter for Monday and now I'm just slamming my head on my desk.

But Dear Evan Hansen gives me life and I swear I literally LIVE off the soundtrack--

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