Chapter 24

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~+Edd's P.O.V+~

When the next day arrived, we had already gotten things planned out. I'd be the getaway driver, Tom and Tord would do the actual robbing part, and Matt would be a distraction. Personally, I thought our plan didn't even have a chance of failing, and that we could pull it off. At the moment, we were on the plane. Tord and I were sitting next to each other. I was sitting on the isle seat, Tord was sitting next to me, Matt was sitting next to Tord, and Tom was next to Matt.

"So, Matt, what's your hobby?" Tord asked, boredly laying his head back on the seat.

"I personally like experimenting with hairstyles! A person as fabulous as me needs to be able to be flexible with their abilities."

Tord let out an annoyed sigh, "Oh.. cool I guess."

I looked at Tord, "Wait, Tord, are we still-" Tord pulled me toward him by my neck, causing both of our lips to press against each other. After a few seconds, Tord broke the kiss after a few seconds.

"Does that answer your question?" Tord smiled, ignoring the fact that both Tom and Matt were staring at us with wide eyes. Tord turned to them, stuck his tongue out, and turned back to me, a goofy grin on his face.

A lady with a cart came by and offered us snacks, which I politely rejected, since I'd eaten at the airport already. Tord just got a bag of peanuts, and nothing else. Both of us weren't too hungry. When the lady came back on Tom and Matt's side, Matt got a few snacks that I didn't pay attention to, and Tom got nothing. 

By now, Tord was doing a bit better. He promised me he would try to break the habit of cutting, and I promised I'd try to help. He ended up telling me that he actually had cuts up to his shoulder on his left arm, which I bandaged up. Of course, I slapped him across the face for lying to me, but he apologized later, which made things a bit better, I suppose.

Tord grunted slightly, trying to get comfortable. I looked over at him, "Do you need a pillow?"

"Did you bring one?" Tord asked, yawning.

"No, but you can lean against me. My sweater is soft enough," I offered. Tord nodded, drowsily resting his head against my sweater. I smiled and gently placed my hand on his head, my fingers running through his hair and untangling any knots. For that brief moment, It was just us. Nobody else mattered except us.


Sorry for not getting a chapter out yesterday! My grandparents came over and I didn't have time to do this sine they were literally talking to me every three seconds and wanted a freaking biography on what I'd been doing in the past week.

Anyways, I was wondering how long you all think this book should end up being- Yes, I do have everything planned out, but I want to know how to pace it. Originally, it was only going to have around 25 chapters,but now I'll probably need about 30-45 or 50 to be honest. There's still more stuff I have planned before leading up to the end.

That's pretty much all I have to say~

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