Chapter 7

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~+Tom's P.O.V+~

I arrived at school quite early, purely on accident. I was rushing myself a bit, thinking that I was late. I also didn't know how long it would take to walk to school, as I was so used to having my parents drive me. 
It felt odd, honestly. Was life just like that? High school ends, you turn 18, and then you're sort of just... thrown into college and have to juggle studying and all these new responsibilities? It kind of sucks, but hey, life isn't supposed to be all sunshine lollipops and rainbows.

I stared at the school's gate. It wasn't open, but you could see two cherry blossom trees, which were towering high up into the sky. There wasn't much of a breeze, but the tree branches were bashing into each other, kind of like two rivals fighting each other. One tree was obviously shorter than the other, but it still seemed to be quite strong. The second one was taller, but it didn't seem to be as strong. They were both quick, but the smaller one was quicker. The taller one seemed to be smarter in it's own way, if that even made any sense.
I felt stupid giving the trees human qualities, but I really had nothing else to do.

After fifteen minutes, the front gate was starting to get crowded with kids. Some were my age, some were older. Nobody was younger. My class was the youngest, and it felt kind of awkward after a year of being the oldest kids in high school. It was almost like being in high-school for the first time again. Except this time, everything was familiar. 

The gates suddenly swung open, startling the kids who had been in the front of the crowd, closest to the gate. Everyone knew their way around, and most people knew shortcuts, so quite a few kids were avoiding the front entrance, which was clogged with loads of kids pushing and shoving their way into the school building. I rolled my eyes, heading to the main entrance. Whilst a few kids looked at me like I was stupid for trying to shove my way into the entrance, I had an easy little plan, so I wasn't going into this blind.

I was short. Normally people say that being short is horrible, and, believe me, it is at times. But, at other times, it's really useful. Being short allows you to slip through crowds easily, and that's exactly how I managed to get inside. I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket. Everyone had been given their locker numbers and combinations a while before school, so we all had them. Most people liked to decorate their lockers with wallpapers and stuff, but I preferred to keep it simple, so that I could just open my locker, grab my stuff, and head to class. 
I gazed at my paper, looking at the numbers that my mom had written down in her messy handwriting.

'combination: 23-0-19'

Quietly, I headed to my locker, chuckling at the sight of the back door, which was now also clogged with students trying to get in. I turned back to my locker, putting the combination in and then looking inside at the empty locker.
I felt so proud of myself for a second. I had managed to get ready for school all by myself, without any help whatsoever. 

That pride quickly vanished, and was replaced with suspicion when I saw someone walk up to a locker near me.

It was Tord.


Holy crap I wrote this fast.

I hope this makes up for having such a short chapter posted a few minutes ago. Two chapters in one day, though :D

Anyways, sorry for having suspense at the end of the last chapter and not explaining it in this chapter. I swear I'll try to get to it next chapter.

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