Chapter 19

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~+Tord's P.O.V+~

I opened my eyes, which were taking an awfully long time to adjust to the light. My whole body hurt, and I had a splitting headache, which made it hard to remember what happened. Not to mention, my back was killing me. Whatever I was laying on was extremely uncomfortable.

" 'Ey, your boyfriend's awake," A voice I didn't recognize called out.

"He's not my boyfriend!" A familiar voice shouted back.


My vision finally adjusted, and I realized why I had been so uncomfortable. I was on the couch in my dorm. Have I ever mentioned how damn uncomfortable that thing is? I'd rather spend a night sleeping on rocks than spend more than half an hour on that couch. I sat up, looking around and spotting Edd.

"Oh my god Tord, I'm so glad you're okay!" Edd exclaimed, happily. 

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"You got in a fight with Tom. Again," Edd answered, rolling his eyes.

"So, you fixed up my injuries?"

"Well, actually, my mom did that," Edd replied, stepping over to the side. A lady with long, chestnut hair stepped forward. The look on her face reminded me of my mom whenever I screwed up and did something that was "unforgivable" to her.

"I'm Sabrina. That's all you need to know and I'll be leaving now," Edd's mother said, turning around and heading out the door. 

Well damn, no need to be so rude... I thought. "Wow, she seems nice," I said, a sarcastic smile on my face.

Edd sighed slightly, nodding, "Yeah, she was honestly a horrible mom.."

"I can't really relate, sorry," I replied, looking down. 

"It's fine. I don't really expect anyone to."

"Want to go get icecream...?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Edd smiled a genuine smile and nodded, "Of course."

I got off the couch, not bothering to change my clothes. Sure, people would be suspicious, but I really didn't care too much. That was just me. I didn't care. I didn't need anyone. Right?

"Aren't you going to change your clothes?" Edd asked, hand on the doorknob.

"No," I replied, simply, "I'll be good."

"If you insist," Edd muttered, opening the door and heading out. I followed him and closed the door behind me, locking it. We both headed down the stairs in silence, which was a bit unusual, especially for Edd. He seemed like he was just thinking about something.

"Edd, are you alright? You haven't talked for a whole entire minute," I asked, trying to throw in a bit of humor.

"Oh yeah... I was just thinking about something," Edd replied as we reached the bottom of the stairs. He stopped and turned around, facing me. I stopped as well, a puzzled look making it's way across my face.

"Is there.. something you needed to tell me?" I asked, "Because you could tell it to me while we're walking. There's no need to stop."

Edd looked at the ground, "T-Tord-" He cut himself off, taking a deep breath. 

I tilted my head to the side slightly, "You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything Edd. I won't use it against you or anything..." There was truth in that. Whilst it was normally any kid's dream to get information about someone, something was different about Edd. Getting information about him and using it against him didn't give me the thrill it normally did... 

Edd kept looking at the ground, "I-I need to tell you something Tord.. If you don't want to be friend with me anymore th-then that's alright," He said, taking another deep breath, "A-And you'll probably hate me for this as well..."

I placed my hand under his chin and lifted his head up so we were staring each other in the eyes. 

His beautiful green eyes...

"Tord," Edd said, his eyes a bit teary, "I love you.."

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