Chapter 22

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~+Tom's P.O.V+~

By the time it was Monday,  I already knew what cheap trick Edd was trying to pull off. You couldn't ignore a person forever. They would come back to get you someday, no matter what you tried to do. It was just reality. 

Just like all the pain I felt was reality.

I put my uniform on, which I'd gotten used to doing after spending years going to this school. There wasn't really a reason to complain, since I personally thought the people who complained were just selfish brats who were sad they couldn't wear their frilly little dresses or short skirts.

My phone didn't ring as usual, which I found to be a bit odd, since normally I'd get at least two or three calls from friends. I had ended up losing a bet at the party with Eduardo, which meant I wasn't allowed to give them wake up calls for a week. It was just something I'd have to do without for a week.

I picked up my backpack, grabbed my phone, and headed out of my dorm. A hand grabbed the back of my shirt. I turned around, facing a very tall and angry ginger.

"Excuse me, you are NOT going to leave with you hair messy like that! You'll embarrass your whole entire gang!" He yelled.

Matt wasn't as bad as most people in this world. He was actually useful, and made sure I looked decent if I were to show my face.

"Fine. Don't take too long," I cracked my knuckles, "I wanted to be able to beat the crowd into school."


Matt didn't take too long at all. He was actually really quick with his work, and I was able to easily beat the crowd and get to my locker. Tord wasn't there, which was a good thing. I didn't need him around trying to fuck up my life. He'd already gotten in my way several times, picked multiple fights with me, hypnotized Edd into liking him, and I could only imagine what cruel and sickening trick he would attempt to pull next.

Edd wasn't around either, which was suspicious, since he normally tried to hang out with me on Mondays. It was a stupid attempt for him to try to get my attention, which never really worked. I put some things in my locker and took some things out as well before spotting Edd. I stepped in front of Edd.

"Edd, can we talk?" I asked, noticing another person step up next to Edd. Tord.

"O-Oh W-well, Tord and I-" Edd stuttered, nervously looking at the ground. 

I grabbed his arm, "Meet me after lunch. We need to discuss a certain choice of yours," I hissed.

A hand fell onto my shoulder, "Mmm, I don't think so," Tord muttered.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, Satan," I sharply replied.

"Man, at least I don't look like a fork who got their eyes scooped out!" Tord fired back.

I opened my mouth before closing it, unable to think of a reply.

"Aw, and what happened here? Why do you have a bandage over you eye?" Tord asked in a sarcastic tone, placing a hand over one of my eyes, which had been covered up with a bandage. Edd looked at me for a second, guilt  filling his eyes

"Tord, this isn't necessary," Edd said, his expression switching to worry.

"Oh, so you want this asshole to keep pushing you around?" Tord snorted, "He's just begging for attention and popularity."

"No!" Edd yelled, trying to defend me.

"He's not even important!" Tord growled, gripping my bandages.

"No, he is!" Edd yelled again.

Tord tightened his grip on my bandages, "More important than me?"

"No- Well- I-" Edd stumbled.

"That's what I fucking thought," Tord said harshly, ripping my bandages off and shoving me to the ground. I grunted, looking up and seeing an angry Tord storming off.

Edd ran after him, gently grabbing Tord's arm, "Tord, I didn't mean it like-" Edd was cut off as a forceful punch hit him square in the nose, sending him stumbling back. 

Edd did something I had never heard any student do before.

He cried.


Hi I'm sorry

That's all I can say

Ambivalent -~-TordEdd Fanfic [OLD]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt