Movie Theater Anxiety (part 1)

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Connor: it'll be great I can see

Jared: just wait and see!!!

Evan: haha yeah. Well, see you both in like three hours.

Connor: 💜

Jared: ❤️

Evan: 💙

I put down my phone and took out my history homework. We were supposed to listen to some boring educational songs about Alexander Hamilton from this musical nobody's heard of and write down some things we learned.

***Time Skip***

After I listened to people rapping my history textbook, I finished everything else that I could before 5:30.

The next half hour consisted of me stuffing leftover Halloween candy in my pockets along with three water bottles (because everything at movie theaters are 3x more expensive than regular food) and pacing while wringing my hands (because it's important to multitask) for 25 minutes.

When I finally heard my doorbell ring, I was in full panic mode.

"Hi Ev!" Jared called, he must have opened the door with the spare key I gave him because I sure as hell could not break my trance long enough to open it.

"Hi." I said in a voice barely audible to myself.

"Evan? I hear him in the kitchen." Connor said walking towards my location.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Jared asked, wrapping his arms around me to stop the pacing.

"I'm just a little nervous." I mumbled.

"We gathered that from the pacing." Connor sighed. He wrapped his long arms around both of us.

"It's going to be great Ev! We're here for you." Jared smiled and kissed me on the back head. "Now come children! We have anxiety to crush and popcorn to eat!" He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

I made sure the door was locked six times before Connor coaxed me into the passenger seat of his truck and Jared hopped into the back. The whole ride was silent with the exception of "Calming Forest Noises" from my Anxiety Help playlist going softly in the background.

When we got there I pretended not to notice, keeping my eyes on scattered books and cigarette boxes on the car floor until Jared yanked open my door and leaned over me so he could push the button to eject my seatbelt. "Come on."

I climbed out and tried to make myself invisible (Rainbow 6!!) as I followed both of them inside my buttery nightmare.

"Three tickets to see ADP plz!" Jared announced to the guy behind the ticket counter.

"I'm sorry Sir. I've never heard of the movie Adenosine Diphosphate is and we certainly don't play it here." The guy, Jeremy (as his name tag says), laughed.

"Good one!" The person next to him, Michael, chuckled and they high-fived.

"Oh haha." Jared rolled his eyes. "Listen nerds-"

"We're geeks!" Jeremy corrected.

"Three tickets for A Dog's Purpose please." Connor said through gritted teeth.

"You got it Home Slices!" He said and printed tickets after we handed him the money.

"Dude, never say that again or you can finish Apocalypse of the Dammed by yourself!" Michael threatened him.

"Dude, be more chill!"

Michael glared at Jeremy who was still holding our tickets.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Jake bet me five dollars to say it! Please don't kill me!"

"Hi guys, um not to interrupt whatever the f*** is going on here but can we just have our tickets?" Jared asked.

Jeremy turned red and handed over the tickets. "Oh yeah, sorry man. Enjoy the movie."

We walked away and towards the food counter.

"One large popcorn please and three drin-" I elbowed Jared and gestured to my pocket.

"Oh, I mean just the popcorn." He turned to me and gave an obvious wink.

I could feel my face heating up so I buried it in Connor's jacket as Jared finished paying.

We walked over to the butter dispenser and waited for Jared to get done with making our popcorn yellow.

"Jared sweetheart." Connor coed.

"Yes Connor love?"

"Make sure to leave some for the other costumers please."



"Yes b****?!?!"

"I'm three seconds away from shoving that up your-"

"Please stop." I whispered. I tried to make my hands stop shaking to no avail.

They both turned to look at me like they forgot I was there.

"Okay we're stopping! See we're not arguing anymore!" Jared said, releasing the button on the butter machine.

Connor wrapped his arm my shoulders and the three of us made our way to theater 4.

Little did I know, that was just the beginning of a very long night...

~To Be Continued~

(Also I hope you enjoyed Michael and Jeremy's cameo! I don't think annoying science jokes would be their thing but I just needed someone to project my awkward biology/chemistry humor on and they seemed to be better candidates than like Kurt and Ram, so...*shrugs*)

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