Handwriting Headcannons

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Just some headcannons about what the character's writing would look like!

* Takes highest level English class possible
* He can't spell for heck!!
* Masks his horrible spelling with really sloppy handwriting
* He actually has neat handwriting though
* He used to do that thing where he puts the loop at the bottom of his "g"'s and "y"'s
* Now he only does it for Evan and Jared
* They think it's super adorable

* Super self conscious about his writing even though he's really good
* Always puts his arm in front of his work so nobody can see what he's doing
* Always writes in pencil because he erases half of what he writes
* Even though he hates technology he'll use it because it saves paper and helps stop deforestation
* His writing is amazing!!!!
* If you tell him to write an essay on trees he will*email you* about 15 pages worth of information (not including his pictures and diagrams)

* Likes to draw pictures to explain his notes
* His drawings stink and he knows it
* He keeps drawing them
* He can read really sloppy handwriting because he has really sloppy handwriting
* He is really slow at typing (he hunts and pecks a lot)
* People just assume he's fast because he brags about his computer skills (why Evan and Connor asked him to help fake emails one time)
* He can text really fast
* He often writes in text slang
* His spelling is perfect and he likes to correct other people's spelling
* " Annoying has two n's not one Connor." "Shut up Jared!!"

* Her handwriting is okay
* She has five different color pens with her at all times
* She uses a different color for each subject
* Red=math
* Blue=science
* Green=history
* Purple=Spanish
* Black=English (she wanted to use yellow but Alana complained she couldn't read it. Now she highlights all her notes in yellow. Her teacher gets confused.)
* Alana gave her said pens
* She won't let anyone barrow them (except Evan because he looks like he's going to have a panic attack when she says no)
* Her notes are covered in drawings
* And stars
* ...lots of stars
* When she runs out of space on her paper or doesn't have any with her she draws on her jeans
* When she runs out of room on her jeans she uses her arms
* Alana and Jared are constantly telling her she's going to get ink poisoning
* #IndigoHairDoesn'tCare

* Has really really neat handwriting
* Like her teachers show off her work during class because it's so neat
* Even if her answers are wrong (they never are)
* Always writes in black pens
* Has innumerable amount of pencils/pens/highlighters with her at all times
* Will always lend people one
* But she will kill you if you don't give it back
* Or she will get Connor or Zoe to kill you
* Either way you better remember to return that pen if you value your life
* She cringes every time she sees bad grammar/bad spelling/bad handwriting
* So basically Connor
* She cringes every time she sees Evan's cast because of Connor's penmanship
* It makes him uncomfortable
* She stopped doing it after two months
* She always corrects grammar in texts
* "Zoe: i luv u Alana." "Alana: I think you mean 'I love you Alana!' In which I would respond 'I love you too'" "Zoe: you ruined it."
* Evan has to make the group chats or she won't get included

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