Food Headcannons

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Wonder what the Kiddos eat for dinner?? What is it like to go food shopping with their parents?? Can they cook??
Don't care?
Well you're about to find out!!


* Eats pasta most nights for dinner
* Sometimes he orders pizza, but it makes him really anxious
* When Connor and Jared are over, they always end up ordering something more cultural like Chinese, Thai, Greek, etc.
* He and Jared love McDonald's Happy Meals (Jared has a whole bucket of those little toy things)
* Connor reprimands them because fast food is unhealthy
* Connor doesn't get hugs for a week (mwahaha!!)
* Evan likes going food shopping with his mom
* Heidi isn't an extreme couponer but she always looks out for good deals and stuff
* She will have a bunch of coupons with her at checkout and she will argue with checkout person if one of them doesn't scan correctly
* That's when Evan wants to be invisible
* Thanks Ms. Hansen but this does help with his anxiety!!
* You know the Can-Can sale at Shoprite? That's when he gets all of his soup for the year
*When he was little he obsessed with broccoli because they look like little trees


* This child can cook actual food!
* He likes making stuff that requires him to pound the ingredients
* "You're lucky you're already dead you (enter two minutes of profanity) stupid chicken!"
* His mom makes a lot of gourmet food that tastes horrible so he loves eating with his boyfriends
* They all usually trade food at lunch so Connor eats Evan's peanut-butter sandwiches
* Evan gets Jared's chicken nuggets
* Jared gets Connor's gluten free, vegan lasagna (it tastes horrible to everyone except him)
* HE LOVES MILK!!! (This boy will never have any calcium deficiency problems)
* Whenever they get a new carton, Zoe writes her name on it to try to claim it for herself
* He drinks it anyway
* He leaves the empty milk cartons in the fridge (everyone lowkey hates him for it)


* He will eat ANYTHING!!
* It scares people sometimes
* He has a major sweet tooth
* Favorite food is pizza
* He plays with his food all the time
* He will reenact Be More Chill with goldfish if you give him a pack (including all the songs)
* He likes to sneak things into Connor's cooking (i.e. sprinkles, salt, ketchup, food coloring, etc.)
* "Jared why is my chicken soup blue?" "Why are you asking me? You made it!" "Because your hands are also blue!"
* Every time he drinks a slurpy, he'll start quoting "Freeze Your Brain" to the person working at Seven-Eleven
* "I've been to ten high schools." "" "They start to get blurry. No point planting roots 'cause you're gone in a hurry!" "Uh I'm sorry, that's unfortunate."
* He's really fun to go food shopping with...until he gets kicked out of the store


* She is that one friend that is always trying to convince the others to eat healthy
* She actually listens during those health class presentations
* Don't let this child near caffeine
* It's scary
* "Alana! You haven't stopped talking of moving your hands since I came over two hours ago!"
* She eats Lucky Charms
* She picks out all the marshmallows and puts them in a bag in her pocket
* She eats said marshmallows at random times during class and gives some of them to her friends
* Zoe=hearts and stars
* Jared=balloons and hour glasses
* Evan=clovers and horse shoes
* Connor=rainbows and moons


* Major chocoholic
* She loves eating at Evan's house because she can eat "actual food"
* "So this is what pasta tastes like!"
* Makes really good cupcakes/cookies
* She makes patterns with the frosting and everything
* Loves A La Mode's homemade hot fudge
* She likes to sing as she cooks/washes dishes
* She makes everyone a cake for their birthday
* She decided to try everything on the entire Starbucks drink menu throughout Sophomore year
* She doesn't get sugar highs but she does go through sugar withdrawals

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