"Oh, how rude. I never introduced myself." He handed Tyler a business card. "My name is Fischbach. Mark Fischbach. I work for Restart Lab. Perhaps you have heard of it?"

Tyler shook his head, his intoxicated head still trying to process all of this. Why does he know all my information? Why have I never heard of Restart lab.?

"I'll get straight to the point. You have been selected as subject 002. of the Restart project. We are seeking your cooperation. You are currently unemployed, and we are able to help you get a job."

Tyler supposed the alcohol helped him stay calm, but his ears caught the word "job" and he was interested.

"The experiment is a one-year experience. We cover all the costs – food, clothes, anything you might need. And in addition we will introduce you to a company who will guarantee you a job – if you want, even for life. What do you say?"

Tyler tried to think rationally, but the alcohol in his system made him agree.

"So what do I have to do?"


Tyler woke up with a painful headache and an urge to vomit. He shot out of bed, running towards the toilet. He already regretted whatever decisions he made that night.

He looked in the mirror. His eyes had giant bags under his eyes and his hair still had gel in it.


But something was off.

His skin had acne on it, and his stubble was slighter and barely there. His face looked...younger. It was as if he went back in time.

The man – Mark – held out his hand. In the palm of his hand laid two pills: one blue and one red. They looked like medicine.

"We want you to relive your last high school year. You will go back in time ten years – age 19 – but you can pass for 18 if you want. You will interact with other kids, and try to find the mistake you made. If you succeed – you will have a well-payed job. If you fail – you'll be stuck there until we decide you have succeeded."

Without a lot of hesitation Tyler grabbed the pills.

"The blue one will make you look younger, the red one will make you look older. You will need the blue one to start the experiment. After the experiment, all memories of those who are not connected to the Lab will be removed."

Without hesitation Tyler swallowed the blue pill.

Tyler groaned and pulled on his curls. How could he be so stupid?

The doorbell rang. Great, just what he needed. A visitor.

He opened the door and revealed Mark Fischbach, still smiling and looking like nothing was wrong.

"I see the effects have taken place. How do you like your old body?"

It took all of Tyler's willpower not to smack the door back in Mark's smiling face. But he didn't. The damage had been done, so why try and change it? Who knows, maybe something good could come out of it. Like a job.

He ran his hand through his hair with a sigh, and opened the door further to let Mark in. Mark happily accepted the invitation and started rummaging through his bag. He pulled out some pieces of paper, a paper bag and some books.

"Alright, so this is what's going to happen. As you might know, school starts soon, yes? So you'll be joining as a transfer student. Of course, we don't expect you to fit right in. For the sake of keeping your identity a secret, we have told the authority of the school you came from a school far away, where manners are different. Just please don't fail your tests, alright?"

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