The end

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Today is the surprise. I am literally as excited as ever.

"Tobias get up! We have school ya know!" I yell

"Ughhh Im waking up!"

I hop in my car and leave before he gets out of the shower. As I drive I pick up a coffee and text Christina to come to the school early.

Once I get to the school I park my car in the closest slot. I then run inside throwing my backpack in my locker and grabbing the DVD.

"Hey Chris" I tell Christina once I see her.

"Why do I have to be here early?! I couldve slept longer!"

"Its only 30 minutes earlier, geez" I roll my eyes.

"Well why do I have to be here early? Answer it Gurl!" She says. I then send a death glare.

I hold up the DVD "Four messes with me, I mess with him. Lets just say this DVD has some of his childhood memories" I smirk.

"Show me now!"

"Your seeing it the same time everyone in the school does."

It was time, I tell myself. Everyone was in there classes, so I go to the principles office. Every classroom had a screen, so the principle could talk to the kids.

"Hi Mrs. Kyle. I was wondering if I could put something on the screen, so all kids can see. Its a surprise, for my boyfriend." I ask

"Ok but only this time."

I slide in the DVD to seeing Tobias in the wedding dress singing Old Mc'donald.

Old MacDonald had a farm,


And on his farm he had some chicks,


With a chick, chick here,

And a chick, chick there,

Here a chick, there a chick,

Everywhere a chick, chick,

Old MacDonald had a farm,


He was so cute back then. I hear laughter is rooms, it was pretty loud.

I walk into my class room almost about to burst out laughing. I see everyones face is red as a tomato. I dont have Tobias in class but I have Uriah and Shauna.

I sit next to Uriah and whisper "Liked the video?"

"Omg that was hilarious, Four's gonna kill ya"

"Want me to make you a copy of the DVD?"


At lunch everyone was staring at me when I walked in. I see Tobias is red as every, he sees me and my eyes widen. I bolt out the door without looking behind.

Im dead. Is all I think.

Thats when a body tackles me to the ground. Where do you think your going, blondie?" I turn around to seeing Tobias.

"Hi" Is all I say. I kiss him before he says anything . We stand ups till kissing, to outside. Thats when he pushes me against the wall I wrap my legs around him, thats when I see flashes behind him.

"Toby, Paparazzi" I say

"At least I look good today" He says. I smack him playfully and he speaks in my ear.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I say

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