Robert goes to school

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Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Robert was here.

I wakeup at 4:30 because im too afraid of what will happen if he wakes me up. I get dressed early i decide to get to the school fast. I go in the bathroom connected to my room and take a shower. I put on white shorts and a USA crop top. I pop in my brown contacts, then curl my hair. My eyes start to sag, maybe just 5 minutes...

As my eyes flutter I see Robert. On top of me, propping his weight with his elbows. This is why I never want him to wake me up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" He kisses me on the lips then gets off. I look at the time, Gee im late! I hop out of the room and run to the door but Robert stops me.

"Where are you going?" He asks

"School! Now move!" I shove him but he resists.

"I'm coming then" Great, thats just more evidence that I go to the school.

He slings me over his shoulder and places me in the car. He looks closely in my eyes.

"Contacts? Brown contacts?!"

"No one knows who I am. Call me Beatrice at school ok?"

"If only you kiss me" I roll my eyes, go over the driver seat and kisses him. He grins while send a death glare. We have 5 minutes till class. I get out of the car and get Roberts hand and run in the school.

"Robert we're pretending to be cousins. Just shadow me!" I get in glass while everyone stares at Robert. "Sorry we're late. This is my cousin Robert he'll be shadowing me this week."

I have Uriah and Shauna in my next class. "Hey guys!" I yell. Their mouths drop open I look behind me. Robert is signing peoples notebooks.

"He's just my cousin!" I shout.

"really?!" Shauna asks.

"Yes! Cmon on lets get to class." Uriah just stands there still looking at Robert.

I had computer class, so when I went online... The first thing that popped up was photos of me and Robert yesterday. The photo thats on the news is a photo of my back to the wall of my house and Robert kissing me. I feel someone breathing down my neck.

"I know, we look hot." he whispers.I recognize that voice, Robert.

Lunch was after a few classes. When I sat at my table everyone was still shocked that my "cousin" was Robert.

"Robert thats Marlene, Uriah, Shauna, Christina, Zeke , I think that new kid is WIll, and Four."

"OMG CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!?" Marlene shoves Christinas side while smiling.

"Anything for a lady" he then signs her shirt. I roll my eyes and think of a different subject.

"What do you guys want to talk about?" I ask

"Omg Tris Prior! Robert whats she like?!" "

"Stubborn but we still love each other." Once he says that I secretly pinch him.

"It must be really tiring for her. Like I mean you guys are on the internet about kissing all the time. I guess it gets really tiring." I say while glaring

"Shes so lucky" Shauna says. Zeke rolls his eyes and puts his arm around her shoulder.

"I know right?!" Marlene agrees.

"Lol, ya right" The other girls send death glares. "Like really who would like him?"

Robert messes my hair, I turn to my left and glare at him. He looks at me and smiles. He then throws salt in my eyes, I rub my eyes with my hands. Then Robert takes some salt out? Wait no hes taking the contacts out... Robert!

I look at my table and everyone is staring. I yell at Robert "What the heck! We had a stupid deal, Idiot! Give me your sunglasses!" I yell. But it was too late everyone one in the lunch room was staring at us. I get up and decide to walk home. Now they know, I shouldve told them. I should have trusted them.

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