Just as I was about to voice my frustration, Weasel's voice cut me off, "Are you insane? She's a snake!"

"Oh for merlin's sake, Ron!" Granger groaned, trying to walk faster than the carrot, "She's my friend!"

"But she's also friends with the other snakes!" he replied, bewildered, "Should I remind you?"

And that's when it hit me, that i should probably start listening in because it's impossible to miss the fcat they were talking about Hadley. A hot sensation ran through my veins then, wanting to shut their faces up before they even started, but the mud-mugglebo-mudbood, was already talking, "I know Ron! Which is precisely why I did not invite her!"

They stopped short, glaring at each other so I stopped too, we were so close to the exit, it was painful but I needed to hear this, if they were going to continue insulting Hadley, I was going to step and claim my rights back.

"I can't believe you wanted to in the first place!" Redhead cried, "First you're friends with her and now you want to include her, do you know she's friends with Malfoy and the gang?"

"Are you completely daft?" Hermione muttered, turning around fully to face him, "I just said it is why I didn't-" but her dark eyes fell on me the minute she lifted them, her words dying in her throat as she locked gazes with me.

"Hermione?" with that weasel turned to and stopped short at the site of me, his height in level with mine, which was a rare sight because no one really came up to my height, not even Goyle.

I smirked, once they both stood mouths agape, "Don't worry about inviting Hadley to your pity party," I started, "Slytherins do better parties anyway."

Granger's jaw locked, her nostrils flaring as I saw her anger build up, "Keep your nose out of our-"

"Then keep your conversations away from Hadley." I cut her off, daring her to snap back, "I'll inform Hadley about your little lover's spat over her, she'll love it."

"Shut up, Malfoy-"

I rolled my eyes at the pathetic outburst, "Socialize with people more your type Weasel-bee." I sneered, "Hadley's a Slytherin, and we look after our own house."

A laugh escaped the bushy-haired girl's lips, "Yeah right-"

"If you don't want to invite Hadley to something, that's fine." I started, "I always told her your friendship won't last anyway" with that final say, I pushed past the tall red head and crossed the foyer to the dungeon steps, my breathing slowing down as the anger in me dissipated completely, before I found out where it even came from.


I remember coming back and telling Hadley about the interesting conversation when we made our way up to the Room of Requirement that night, she looked befuddled with the news but soon forgot about it.

I like to take credit for all the things she forgets at nights. There's just something about, sassy, self-assured, sneaky Carina, putty in my hands that I'm starting to like. Also the more time we spend that way the less she thinks about ruining my day and is sort of tolerable.

So when my upper body started itching barely into second period History of Magic the next day, my eye went straight to the honey blonde, seated a few seats away, trying to make her dozing off less obvious.

"You alright, mate?" Zabini's deep voice asked, as I continued to take notes with one hand and itching my forearm just under my folded sleeve with the other.

"I'm fine." I ground out, as my eye met Hadley's, her face smiling smugly at me as I continued to itch my shoulder rather harshly. "Fucking hell."

A snort escaped Zabini as he looked between the two of us, "What did she do this time?"

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