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BeastlyChapter 25The broken

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Chapter 25
The broken

The four of them where now stood by the boats as Bethan phoned Caroline.

C. Tell me your not serious

B. I wish I wasn't when everyone got back looking for Jeremy, Shane and Bonnie where gone, Damon stormed off and now me Rebekah and Elena are playing Stefans angels.

C. I'm so sorry I wish I was there to help

E. Maybe there is something she can do from home

C. Anything tell me

E. Shane's looking for the cure, we think we can find him, we have pics of Jeremy's tattoos we can't translate the maps.

B. But by the special swordy thing and google maps maybe you can caroline.

C. You need the sword.

"He's not going to give up the sword" Rebekah spoke to Stefan who let out a laugh.

"if anyone can do it it's Bethan" he responded knowing the brunette ability to wrap men around her finger.

"he's not going to give up the sword" Rebekah stood by what she said.

"You do realise if Bethan wants something she gets it right?" Stefan smirked at the Gilbert girl.

B. Klaus I know your listening in and I know that Elena and Jeremy both killed your brother but please don't let mine die.

C. Don't worry Bethan I'll find it.

B. Thanks Caroline

C. Love you bye.

"You really think your little sob story is gonna work on klaus?" Rebekah asked the youngest of the group.

"right now klaus thinks he's in my good books, after I freaked out and went to him, he's gonna do anything to make me happy" the green eyed Gilbert smiled sweetly shrugging her shoulders.

"are we sure she's not related to Katherine Pierce" Rebekah asked Stefan but Beth got in the quick

"positive I have better hair" Rebekah could help but smile.  Rebekah watched as stefan and Elena where smiling at each other

"no matter what he says it will always be Elena you know that right?" Bethan asked the original not wanting her to be hurt by the allure of Elena.

"do you really think he'll go running back to her?" Rebekah asked or more liked hoped Bethan would say no.

"I do, if it came down between him, you and Elena to have the cure, he'd pick Elena every time. The love those two share it's a strong bond" the werewolf tried to comfort the blonde giving her a sad smile.

"I've had something like that once" Rebekah though back to a guy called marcel.

"I've never had that, the way Tyler risked his life break the sire bond for Caroline. Bonnie risked loosing magic all together to bring Jeremy back to life, the fact stefan and Damon would rip out their own hearts for Elena" Rebekah wanted that, more than anything to have someone to love her like the boys loved Caroline, Elena and Bonnie. That's when Rebekahs phone rang.

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