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BeastlyChapter 8Beth of the ball

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Chapter 8
Beth of the ball

Bethan was on FaceTime to Caroline.

"Did Tyler call?" She asked her best friend while drinking coffee.

"yeah he said he's sorry and he love me" Caroline said rolling her eyes.

"he is going against klaus for you care" beth pointed out trying to defend her friend.

"I know I know I just wish he didn't have to do it away from me" the blonde moaned making Bethan roll her eyes.

"Count your lucky stars blondie the only thing he did for me was cheat on me" the brunette reminded her laughing.

"speaking you and boyfriend what happened with you and that hot bartender jack?" Caroline quizzed her friend wiggling her eyebrows.

"nothing he's hot but boring" Beth responded.

"god you are so picky" Caroline said rolling her eyes.

"I forgot to tell you, so after the dinner from hell with the Salvatore Mikaelson at the end klaus' siblings came out and all stabbed him" the brunette was interrupted by Caroline

"dinner and a show" she remarked smirking.

"that's not even the good part one of the brother is totally H-A-W-T-T-I" Bethan spelled out.

"how hot?" Caroline quizzed now fully engrossed in the story.

"Spencer's sober coach season 4 PLL" The human dished.

"can't wait to see him around town" Caroline winked at Beth through the camera.

"That's not even the weirdest part, I kinda made out with Matt" Bethan told her best friend.

"Where did it happen? When did it happen? How did it happen? What does this mean? Who else kn-" Bethan cut off the babbling blonde vampire.

"It happened the night of your birthday when you went off with Tyler and I don't know it just did, you are the only person who knows and honestly I don't know I don't think anything will happen." She toe Caroline fiddling with the cup she was drinking from. That's when a knock was heard on the Gilbert house door

"care some at the door I'll text you later" bethan said putting the phone down, when she reached the door no one was there accept a box with a envelope on it. Bethan grabbed the box's setting it on their dining table. She opens the card which said.

'Please join the Mikaelson Family tonight at 7 for a evening of cocktails and dancing'

Bethan flipped the card over seeing a hand written note.

Please save me a dance
- fondly Klaus

Bethan rolled her eyes at the card opening the box that came with it to find a beautiful red ball gown "seriously" she yelled throwing the lid back on.

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