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Beastly Chapter 24Down the rabbit hole

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Chapter 24
Down the rabbit hole.

Bethan could name a million people she'd rather be with right now, instead she had to listen to Rebekah and Elena bitch at each other, stefan and Damon throwing snide digs towards one another, some creepy ass professor leading them to their death,...

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Bethan could name a million people she'd rather be with right now, instead she had to listen to Rebekah and Elena bitch at each other, stefan and Damon throwing snide digs towards one another, some creepy ass professor leading them to their death, a friend she was not speaking to and brother who she wasn't speaking to. Bethan was on the phone to the only person she was currently speaking to klaus.

B. Do me a favour? I may not be speaking to her but Caroline is my best friend try not kill her please?

K. I'll try my hardest love how is everything going?

B. Your sister and my sister are slinging insults at each other, stefan and Damon are barely speaking. Professor creepy thinks he's Fred leading us to our next mystery and I think Bonnie and Jeremy are gonna have sex in the bushes before leave.

K. *chuckle* you could be trapped in a room like-
That's when her cellphone cut out

"great! The sooner we get off this stupid island the better" Bethan announced to the group, it's the most amount of words she's spoke to anyone of them.

"is anyone else getting creeped out at all?" Elena asked the group seeing the abandoned island.

"so leave" Rebekah simply put it like it was the easiest option.

"don't start" stefan begged not wanting to hear the girls bicker once again.

"when you think about she's the least needed here. Jeremy has the magic spell, Bonnie is the witch, Shane is the human compass, you and I have the tombstone, Bethan is the only one who can keep klaus calm and Elena does nothing" Rebekah decided to tell everyone but one vampire felt left out.

"what about me?" Damon asked the blonde original.

"you have a nice behind" and Bethan watched his ego inflate rolling his eyes.

"Actually Rebekah if it wasn't for Elena, no one would be here, klaus wants to find it for his blood bag, stefan and Damon want to find it for the girl they love, Bonnie wants it for their best friends and Jeremy wants to find it for his sister. What's the one thing they all have in common oh yes Elena, your not even thought of once" Bethan sassed and Elena smirked at the blonde original before Bethan wiped it off her face.

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