Chapter 1: Bitter

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Thank you for reading Your Worth. I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Hope you like it & Happy Reading!:)

- bxxknxrd


Chapter 1

"Charlie," Emily shouted, "C'mon! What the heck are you doing? We're gonna be late for school and you're driving!"

"I know, I know, but your mom asked if I could help her sort these documents before we went to school. I'm almost done Em." I replied. I lived with my Aunt Rachel and her daughter, Emily. They were the only family I had left, aside from the pack of course. There was only two weeks of school left before Emily and I were to graduate high school then we were to choose what role we want to take in the pack. After I filed the last folder under medicine, I made my way downstairs, grabbing my bag on the way down.

"Finally! What..Is that what you're wearing to school?" I rolled my eyes at her daily question, as if asking me what I was wearing would change my choice of clothing.

"No Emily, cause i don't usually wear jeans and sweater to school everyday." I chuckled and looked at my outfit, which usually consisted of a t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sneakers and if weather permitted then a sweater. Emily, on the other hand, looked like she just stepped out of a fashion pictorial. She had vivid brown eyes and shiny chestnut brown hair, a figure that any girl would kill for, anything she wore looked good on her. We were complete opposites, probably the only thing interesting about me was my auburn brown hair and my chocolate eyes that Aunt Rachel said I inherited from my mom. And don't get me wrong, the fact that I had my mom's eyes made me extremely happy. I can at least say that I had some part of my mom, since I can't even remember what my parents looked like. My aunt didn't really like talking about them.

"Well, I tried." She sighed and shook her head, obviously disappointed at my answer and handed me the keys to the car.


All the students were already in the classrooms by the time we arrived at school, except for several people that were late like Em and I.

"Remind me to never let you drive- no wait- you can't even call that driving! Next time I'm driving!" Em sneered obviously upset that we couldn't make it to school on time, but she was probably more upset because she wasn't able to socialize with her friends before school started.

"Hey, It's better to be safe than sorry! Let's go we don't want to be more late than we already are!" I gave her the keys, grabbed her hand, and pulled her along to the main office to get a late pass, luckily the principal, Mrs. Reynolds, was our pack's Luna, or Alpha Female not that she tolerated being late, after all she was the principal, but she was lenient if the excuse was reasonable. Plus we were graduating in less than two weeks, there was basically no reason to go to class except of course to take the finals.

Luckily she found my "turtle drive" as Emily phrased excusable and funny so she gave us the late passes with assurance that our tardiness wouldn't happen again.

"Charlotte, I would like to speak to you for a moment before you go." Mrs. Reynolds asked as we made our way to the door. Emily made clicking sounds and mouthed the word 'trouble'. I rolled my eyes and shooed her away which resulted with her sticking her tongue out at me.

I nervously went back in the office, hoping that I really wasn't in any trouble. I took a seat on the chair that was placed in front of the desk while Luna sat on the opposite side, it looked as if I was being interrogated. I was getting uncomfortable until Mrs. Reynolds assured me that I wasn't in any trouble at all, in fact she wanted to ask me what my plans were after high school and I couldn't help but breathe out a sigh of relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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