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Thomas jumped up and stomped over to the guards blocking the door.

"What is he doing?" Newt asked. I wanted to go after him but my forearm was grabbed my Minho. I slowly sat down again and watched the scene unravel. 

Seconds later, Thomas almost got into a fight and we rushed to keep him back.

"What's your problem, man?" Thomas shouted as he lunged forward, trying to attack the guard again. I knew I recognized this. It was just like Thomas who had tried to go into the Maze on his first day and Gally had stopped him.

"What's the problem, here?!" a voice bellowed, Janson. He stood opposite of us. "Thomas, I thought we could trust each other." He moved to place a hand on Thomas's shoulder. "You know we're all on the same team here." If looks could kill, Janson would be lying dead be on the floor.

"Are we?" Thomas asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Janson patted his shoulder. "Get them to their bunks."

The next moment, we were harshly thrown back into our sleeping area.

"What the hell was that about?" I barked at Thomas, stepping up to him.

"You didn't actually think they were gonna let you through, right?" Newt joined in.

"No, of course not." Thomas held up a keycard and my jaw dropped. "Now we can find out what's on the other side of that door." 

"Are you kidding me? You got yourself into a fight just because of a feeling in your gut that you can't shake?" I exclaimed. 

"These people are not who they say they are," Thomas defended himself instantly, not backing away from the discussion.

"Thomas, you don't know that!" Newt protested loudly. "The only thing we know is that these people saved us from Wicked. They gave us new clothes, food, a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time," He paused for a second, his eyes shifting to me. "Some a lot longer than others." 

"Newt, these people are hiding something," Thomas shot back.

"Leah, what's your take on this?" Newt turned to me and folded his arms over his chest. I blew some air through my nose. 

"I agree with you, Newt. These people have given us all those things after saving us from Wicked and what Thomas did was reckless," Thomas went to protest, but I shushed him by holding up my hand before continuing. "But what I saw last night wasn't something we should ignore," I finished slowly. Newt sighed deeply and rolled his eyes. 

"Newt, just hear me out-" 

"Whoah, what the hell?!" Frypan exclaimed as Aris popped up from under the bed. 

"Hey, Thomas, ready to go?" Aris asked.  

"Yeah, let's go." Thomas crouched down on the floor. "Look, I know you guys are thinking I'm paranoid but I have to see for myself. Just cover me, I'll be back as soon as I can." He pressed a hurried kiss to my cheek before he disappeared in the vent. 

Newt huffed and hung his head low. "Newt, I know what you're thinking. Just let him figure this out. Who knows what he finds." I plopped down on my bed and grabbed the small man that once belonged to Chuck. 

Newt sat down opposite of me. "You really miss him, don't you?" He asked softly, looking at the craft in my hand. I nodded and felt a pang in my heart thinking about how Chuck had passed away, killed by someone who I had once called my friend. 

Newt placed a comforting hand on my knee and rubbed it slightly. "What if one of our names gets called tomorrow? I don't know about you but I'm not going with those guys. I'm not leaving you behind," I asked no one in particular.

"We'll just politely decline," Frypan replied. 

"Or say we go together or none of us at all," Minho spoke up. 

"Don't worry about it, Ley, we're not leaving each other. We came too damn far to get broken apart," Newt stated. I smiled. 

"You guys are the best," I said, feeling a lump in my throat. I swallowed thickly to try and remove it. I spent the rest of the day talking to the boys about happier things, like the good memories we had of the Glade, the friends we made, the family we formed. 

About an hour after Thomas and Aris left, we heard loud noises coming from the vents. Seconds later, Thomas came out again, looking absolutely hysterical. 

"Whoah, what happened to you?" I asked quickly as his eyes shot around the room in utter panic. 

"We gotta go," he murmured. "We gotta go right now!" 

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I asked but he didn't respond as he dashed around. "Thomas!" I shouted, but he didn't stop. "What happened out there?"

"They're coming for us, we gotta go now or it'll be too late." He pulled the sheets off the beds and tied the door shut. Aris stood frozen in place, watching Thomas freak out. 

I stepped up to him. "What happened? I have never seen him this freaked out," I asked the boy. 

"Thomas, talk to us!" Newt exclaimed. 

"She's still alive," Thomas stated plainly as if we all knew who he was talking about. 




"It's Wicked!" The group fell silent and stared at Thomas in disbelief. "It's always been Wicked. They want to get to Leah and they want to get to the baby." He smashed a mattress against the door. My blood ran cold. 

We heard the familiar sound of a keycard sliding through a scanner and the door opened but stopped halfway as the sheets prevented it from fully opening. 

Thomas quickly ushered us through the vent before following himself. He took the lead and we ended up in some random hallway. He waited impatiently until everyone exited the shaft. "Okay, we're all here. Let's go!" He motioned for us to follow him, but Aris spoke up.

"You guys go ahead, there's something I gotta do." 

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asked. 

"You have to trust me that it's important. I'll catch up with you. Just go." He already moved to enter the shaft again before Winston spoke up. 

"I'll go with him." They disappeared in the shaft. 

"Okay, let's go." Thomas took a sprint and we followed behind him. We turned a corner and I held back a yelp. We had bumped into doctor Crawford. 

She looked at us with a perplexed expression. "What're you kids doing out?" she suspiciously asked. As if on cue, the alarms went off, catching everyone's attention. We slowly turned back to her. Thomas and Newt were quick to grab her arms and drag her with us.

We speed-walked through the corridors, careful not to be seen. I stayed fairly behind and let Frypan lead the way. He quickly pushed us back as we were ambushed by a guard shooting at us. We took a sprint in the opposite direction but Minho stopped halfway.

"Minho, what are you doing? We have to go!" I called. He leapt forward and jumped to hit the guard square in the chest with his knee. The guard slammed into the wall behind him and he was immediately knocked out cold. 

We ran up to him. "Shit, Minho," Newt muttered perplexedly. Thomas grabbed the gun the guard had used on us. He pushed out doctor Crawford ahead of him. Soon, we ended up in the medical wing because Thomas was hell-bent on getting Teresa out of here as well.

He ordered Crawford to open the door and ushered her inside. He aimed the gun at the several doctors inside of the room and they backed off quickly. 

"Where is she?" he asked. No one responded. "Where is she?!" One of the doctors looked at the curtain next to him and Thomas quickly pushed the gun in Minho's hands before sliding open the curtain to find Teresa, lying on the bed like a ragdoll.

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