Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Krystina's POV

"Wake up!" I groan and roll over again, "Krystina come on! Talia and Frayia are here, Danni is gonna be here any minute. Get up and let's get you clothes!" I sigh and throw my pillow at her. "Krystina if you don't get up, you're gonna regret it." I murmur against my pillow, I'm not too sure what I just said. I hear her sigh then walk away. I start drifting into a deep sleep again when I feel a body plop on top of mine. I yell and push whoever it was off of me.

"God what?!" Aubrey is standing against the door and Aiden is laying beside me with a cocky smile.

"Morning gorgeous." I grab my pillow and hit him with it. "Damn, not a morning person I see. Oh wait!" He pulls out his phone and gives me a sarcastic shocked face. "It's 11:40!" I roll my eyes and lay down on my bed again.

"It's still technically morning." Aiden laughs lightly and Aubrey sighs.

"Aiden you get her up, get her ready and drag her ass downstairs."

"Got it Queen Aubrey!" I feel Aiden poking my sides. I hit him with my elbow and roll to my side with my back to him. After a few seconds I feel his warm breath against my neck, I feel him inch forward and kiss my neck. Really? I groan and elbow him again.

He moves my hair away from my face and kisses my neck and along my collar bone. "Aiden, stop." I plead in a tired voice.

"Not until you wake up." I slap his face lightly earning a laugh from him. I smile and he kisses my cheek. "Come on, you just smiled. Just open your eyes and say hello to the beauty of the earth, oh and everything else around me." I laugh lightly and smack him again.

"You're so conceited." He laughs and I turn away from him again.

"Come on baby wake up please." He wraps his arm around my waist and I sigh.

"But I don't wanna."

"I'll buy you gummy bears and eat all the green ones for you." I open my eyes and turn to him.

"And the red ones?"

"I'll put them in a bag just for you." I sigh and close my eyes again.

"I don't know if it's worth it."

"Come on baby-"

"I'm not your baby, I'm older than you." There's a silence.

"You're 21, I'm 23, I'm fairly sure in older than you." I laugh and shrug.

"You're fairly sure? Cause I'm 100% positive I'm younger than you." Again silence.

"You just admitted you're younger than me." I groan and cuddle with my pillow.

"I'm tired I don't know what I'm saying."

"Well do you love me?" I open my eyes and turn to him.

"As of right now, no. If you let me sleep then I'll love you."

"Hm." I yawn and turn away from him. "I guess I'll just make you fall in love with me again cause I'm not letting you fall asleep." I yell lightly into my pillow.

"Pretty, pretty please Aiden. I'll love you forever and kiss you anytime you want."

"As tempting as it is no. Get up." I sigh and roll on top of him.

"Please Aiden."

"Sorry baby. No can do." I sigh and kiss his neck.


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