Chapter 19

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'What a wonderful day it is today!' Mustang declared merrily as he sauntered down the street in front of Ken.

Ken glanced around him in displeasure, grimacing at the sun that was lowering in the sky, beginning its descent towards the horizon.

'Ug' he said with a frown. 'It's so late...'

'Don't be silly' Mustang gleamed back at him. 'This is the best part of the day.'

Ken slowed to a stop, giving Mustang a sceptical look.

'Where are we going anyway?' he asked him, 'don't tell me it's the graveyard. I don't want to go there.'

Mustang faltered then, turning back to face Ken.

'Let's go somewhere nice' Ken said, 'somewhere that's not so depressing and creepy.'

'Oh' Mustang tutted, putting his hand on his hip and rolling his eyes. 'It is not depressing and creepy...'

'Uh-hu' Ken replied flatly.

'Alright' Mustang said, raising his hand and running his fingers through his hair, 'let's go out for a a date.'

'A date?' Ken blinked.

'Yeah. You know what one of those is don't you? You've been on them before when you were with...' he broke off, realising Ken was giving him a pissed-off look. 'Before...' Mustang changed tact. 'Before I turned you to the dark side' he finished.


'Come on' Mustang sang happily, taking Ken by the hand and pulling him the other way.

'H-hey' Ken said, staring down in alarm and trying to tug his hand free. 'What are you doing?'

'Now don't tell me you're shy' Mustang frowned playfully back at him, 'not after last night...and this morning...and all the things I plan to do to you tomorrow and the day after that and next week....'

'Keep your voice down' Ken hissed, grabbing Mustang's wrist with his other hand and trying to pry his fingers open. 'Not out in public.'

'Not what?' Mustang said, keeping a firm grip.

Ken paused, glancing up at Mustang.

'You're afraid of what people might think' Mustang spoke slowly as the realisation came over him. And then he smiled. 'Don't worry' he grinned, 'most people aren't as old fashioned and narrow minded as you used to be.'


'Here' Mustang said, letting go of his hand and moving closer to him, cupping his face as he did so. 'Let me show you.'

Mustang pushed him back against the wall, kissing him and running his hands over Ken's body. Ken, nervous and a little uncertain at first eventually relented, allowing Mustang to do what he wanted with him, balling his fists and trying not to moan as Mustang's wandering hand moved to touch his crotch.

A moment later, Mustang backed away.

'There' he smiled in satisfaction. 'Now tell me you don't feel naughty' he giggled.



They went for a coffee after that, Mustang insisting they walk down the street holding hands. Ken agreed only reluctantly to this, holding Mustang by the hand, unable to free himself from his vice-like grip.

It was only a short time later that Mustang began to skip, drawing even more attention to them, and declaring to several passersby that he was gay, and in a relationship with the man he held hands with, and that they often had raw and rough sex on a regular basis.

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