Chapter 14

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'What's wrong' Ken asked Mustang as he ate his breakfast, sitting at the table.

'I've got the mother of all hangovers' Mustang groaned, slouching across the kitchen and dropping heavily into the seat.

He slumped forward then, resting with the side of his face pressed against the tabletop and dribbling.

Ken pushed his cereal away and leaned around to get a better look at Mustang, seeing his sunken eyes.

'Didn't you sleep?'


'You came into my room last night.'

'Did I?'

'Yes' Ken replied flatly.

'I don't remember...'

Ken stared at him with a flat expression, leaning on his elbows with the spoon stuck in his mouth.


Later that morning, they walked to college together. Mustang walked briskly beside Ken, striding with his hands in his pocket, slowing down; then skipping ahead, before slowing down again, then skipping ahead.

'Will you stop that?' Ken glowered at him. 'It's annoying.'

'Oh so you noticed me' Mustang gleamed, flashing his perfect teeth in a grin.

'How could I not?' Ken slowed to a stop. 'What are you trying to do?'

'I just want to be noticed.' Mustang spoke, sounding sincere now. 'That's all I want. I want you to notice me, to know I exist.'

'I know you exist' Ken spoke in a level tone.

'I want more' he breathed.

Ken flinched; he blinked once, gritting his teeth.

Mustang's gaze bore into him, and he took the smallest step closer.


Someone grabbed onto Mustang from behind then, placing his hands over his eyes and giggling.

'Guess who?' the man said, as Ken watching took an uncertain step back.

'Aidan?' Mustang smiled beneath the hands.



The stranger let go of Mustang, coming around him and smiling.

'Alan!' Mustang gleamed, seeing him properly now. 'What a pleasant surprise.'

'How long were you going to keep guessing?' Alan smirked, sliding closer to Mustang and pressing his body against his.

Jeez how many guys does he have? Ken thought to himself watching them. It must be like a million or something.

'Why don't we go back to my place?' Alan suggested. 'I can think of all sorts we can get up to.'

Mustang stared over his shoulder as Alan began to kiss his neck, moving his lips further down his shoulder.

'Alan wait' Mustang spoke urgently. He called loudly for Ken as Alan pulled back.

Ken who had walked away at that point, turned and glanced back.

'What?' he asked shortly.

Mustang pushed himself away from Alan, moving over to Ken and putting his arm around his neck in a playful gesture.

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