Chapter 12

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Ken leant against the wall outside registration, waiting for the teacher to turn up. He avoided everyone's eyes as they waited around him for the same thing, hands in his pockets and staring at his feet. 

The last few days had been very difficult for him. Since his family had thoroughly washed their hands of him, and Mustang had allowed him to stay with him, it had not been easy, and it took a long while to adjust to this new life. He still had not yet adjusted.

What am I going to do? He worried to himself, not for the first time. I can't stay with Mustang forever...even if he says... he bowed his head with regret. I have to look after myself...

'Hey Ken.'

He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts by the voice of his friend who had shuffled closer to him to talk.

'Hey Bill' Ken replied meekly.

'Are you living with Mustang?'

'W-what?' Ken stammered, caught off guard by the bluntness of the question, whole body suddenly tense. 'W-why would you say that?'

'I've noticed you take a different route to college now' Bill answered, tilting his head as he spoke to him. 'You come to college almost always with Mustang now. Don't you live with your family anymore?'

'Well...' Ken began reluctantly. 'You see...the truth is...'

Mustang suddenly materialized right on queue beside Ken, leaning into him and placing an arm around Ken's shoulders.

'The truth is' Mustang finished for him, 'we're living together...and we're going out.'

Ken suddenly choked, suddenly lost for breath and going bright red, mostly in fury.


'Come on darling' Mustang teased, tickling Ken under the chin. 'You know it's true.'

Ken shoved him away then, doing so violently and causing Mustang to almost topple over.

'That is not true!' Ken snapped furiously, balling his fists.

Mustang waved his arms like a windmill as he tipped precariously backwards on his heels, regaining balance before straightening again. 'Oh come on' Mustang spoke, utterly serious. 'What about all the things you said last night about how much you loved me?'

If it was possible for Ken to go any redder, he did now.

He gasped for several moments in utter shock, painfully aware that everyone around them was listening now.

'That-that...did not happen! That never happened! I swear that never happened!'

'The more you try to deny it the guiltier you are' Mustang sneered seductively, threatening to move closer.

I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you...!

'You made me feel as giddy as a school girl last night' Mustang continued, adopting a shy pose, putting a finger to his lips, looking timid and resting a toe on the floor, swinging his heel back and forth. 'I've never seen such an animal-side were wouldn't stop even when I said no...and the size...I thought you would tear me apart...'

Ken could take no more. He strode up to Mustang and grabbed him by the shoulder, gripping has hard as he could, wishing nothing more than to shut him up, but not knowing how...

Mustang only stared at him with a calm expression. But even so, Ken could see a smile play about his lips, tweaking the corners of his mouth.

'I. Will. Kill. You. For. This...' Ken spoke through gritted teeth. 'I. Swear...'

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