Chapter 9

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It was extremely awkward getting Mustang off the roof, but once they were both on the ground again, they made their way slowly back.

Ken walked supporting him the whole way home. When they at last reached Mustang's apartment, they trudged up the steps towards his door.

It was left unlocked, conveniently enough.

'I hardly bother locking my door most of the time' Mustang grinned smugly. 'I'd only lose the keys anyway.'

'It's not safe to do that' Ken told him sternly.

'What's going to happen?' Mustang laughed.

'Someone could break in and steal from you.'

'It's only stuff.'

'Someone could hurt you...could attack you in your sleep.'


Ken shook his head, leading Mustang into his apartment and closing the door.

He led him over to his bedroom, sitting him down on the bed.

He went over to the windows to shut the curtains, before returning to Mustang, sitting on the bed beside him.

'What is the matter with you?' Ken asked him desperately. 'Why are you doing this to yourself?'

Mustang groaned heavily, his head in his hands.

'I need to fuck something.'


Mustang raised his head, turning to face Ken then. A strange look crossed his eyes then, one of rage...and lust.

Ken rose from the bed quickly as Mustang made a lunge for him. He backed himself against the wall as Mustang advanced slowly on him, eyes fixed upon Ken like a hunter to its prey.

Ken's heart tightened in his chest, and he made a dash for the door. But Mustang was too fast. He was at the door before Ken could reach it, slamming it shut and rounding on Ken.

Fear began to rise inside Ken as he slowly backed away, staring wide-eyed at Mustang who took a step towards him.

'Mustang...' Ken said, his voice shaking. 'What are you doing?'

Mustang grabbed him by the arm roughly, throwing him back onto the bed.

He was upon him before Ken had time to act, bearing over him, pinning him down and kissing him.

'No!' Ken cried, breaking away from him. 'Stop!'

Mustang grabbed his wrists as he began to struggle, holding him tightly.


Ken flinched as Mustang bit into his neck, so hard he caused him to bleed. Mustang attacked him viciously.

'Get off me!' Ken shouted at him, squeezing his eyes tight shut. His heart constricted in his chest as he felt Mustang touch him between the legs. He grabbed Mustang's hand as he went to unzip him. 'Stop Mustang please!'

Ken turned over then on his front, pushing himself to his knees he tried to crawl away, but Mustang grabbed him again, slipping his hand up his shirt. Ken groaned in pain as Mustang clawed his chest.

Mustang grabbed him by the hair, jerking his head back.

Ken flinched, becoming still then in Mustang's grasp.

'Please stop...' Ken whispered shaking. 'Please don't hurt me...'

Ken couldn't see Mustang, but he stopped his assault suddenly, feeling Ken beginning to tremble.

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