Chapter 4

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Several months passed, and Ken still had not seen nor heard any news of Mustang.

He had begun to accept that he had died that day.

'What's wrong?' Alyssa spoke, breaking his thoughts.

'Oh' he mumbled, straightening slightly, 'I um...its nothing.'

She stepped towards him, reaching out to hold him by the arm. Around them other people milled about in the dimmed room, the only light shone through the glass from inside the great aquarium before them.

Alyssa tilted her head back as the glass arched above them, reaching out towards it, touching its cool surface as a great stingray drifted above them, gliding gracefully through the water as it flapped its large wings slowly.

'You're thinking about Mustang aren't you' Alyssa said.

'Is it really that obvious?' Ken asked glumly.

She lowered her arm, turning to face him.

'There's nothing you can do for him.'

'He saved my life' Ken said. 'I would be dead if it wasn't for him.'

'I'm glad he saved you' Alyssa said, 'more than I can express, but...' she paused then. 'You will do no good by worrying like this.'

'How can I not worry?' Ken said, speaking quietly to her. He paused. 'I sometimes...I think.' He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to speak. 'If he has really died...then it would be my fault.'

'No' Alyssa shook her head. 'That isn't true.'

Ken turned away from the aquarium before him, at last facing her properly.

'He chose to confront that man' Alyssa told him, 'and while I thank god that he did...' she faltered then, falling silent and smiling sadly at Ken. 'If I lost you' she whispered, 'I would never...'

'Don't' Ken said abruptly to her, caressing her cheek tenderly then, 'don't think of such things.'

'I just don't know what I would do if I lost you' Alyssa finished. 'You are everything to me; you are my whole world...'

Ken stopped her then with a kiss, holding her tenderly in his arms.

'Alyssa...' he breathed into her ear, his grasp tightened slightly and he bowed his head, nuzzling into her neck. 'I love you so much...'

'It makes you think...' she mumbled, smiling over his shoulder as she held him back, ' previous life is.'

Ken let go of her, stepping back as he held her shoulders, gazing down upon her.

'You're so beautiful.'

She smiled, stepping forwards and pecking him quickly on the cheek playfully, before taking his hand and pulling him along.

'Come on' she said, 'I want to see the baby jellyfish again.'

Ken frowned at her in amusement, unable to stop himself from smiling.

'Everything will be ok in the end' she told him briefly glancing back as she tugged him along, 'just give it time...'

They left the aquarium a few hours later after having a meal in the café, heading back home on the train, Ken walked Alyssa home before returning home alone himself, where he found his family waiting for him.

'Did you have fun?' his mother asked.

'Yeah' Ken mumbled. 'It's fine.'


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