Chapter 15

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A few weeks later

'So you've got a job now' Chris said to him.

'Yeah' Ken replied, sipping on his coffee as the four of them sat at the table in the café. 'I was very lucky to find it actually.'

'Where is it then?' Neil asked him. 'Tell us.'

Ken grinned at him. He glanced towards the waitress as she approached their table, smiling as she took their empty cups, placing them on the small round tray she carried. She was a pretty young thing, slender with long brown hair tied into a plait and held by a large pink ribbon. She looked very smart in her white dress and black apron the female staff here wore.

'Is there anything else I can get for you?' she smiled sweetly at them.

'No thank you' Ken said to her. 'We're fine.'

She paused then, eyes lingering on him, before moving away.

Anthony leaned forwards in his chair to get a better look at her as she moved away; turning back to Ken once she had gone. 'You've got a job here?' he said.

'Yeah' Ken smiled shyly, looking away. 'It's a good place to work as far as I understand. Everyone here is really nice. But I haven't started work yet.'

'Wow' Anthony said glancing back to the waitress that had served them. 'What a hottie. Maybe I should get a job here too.'

'Her name is Tess' Ken said. 'She'll be showing me tomorrow how everything works.'

'As long as it doesn't affect your studying' Neil said to him. 'Remember the exams are coming up.'

'Yeah' Ken grumbled. 'Don't remind me.'

'Why did you get a job anyway?' Chris asked him.

'Well...' Ken began. 'I don't live at home anymore. I live with Mustang.'

'Uh' Chris said. 'That must be awkward. You know what he is right? He hasn't tried anything funny with you has he?'

'I know' Ken smiled. 'And no he hasn't. He's a bit of a pain sometimes, and a bit strange...but he's good to me and he gives me space. But I can't depend on him forever. I don't live at home anymore, I need to learn to care for myself, then I can move out and get a place of my own.'

'That would be so cool' Anthony sighed. 'My girlfriend and I are nearly ready to get a place of our own. She's sick of her family, and to be honest I can't blame her.'

'They don't like you do they?' Chris said turning to him, the conversation shifting.

'They're a bunch of crazies' Anthony said dramatically. 'You know I swear that one day they went through the messages on my phone.'

Ken sat back with a smile, listening to Anthony talk. As he did his attention wandered, and he caught the attention of Tess again, who was by the tills now, serving a customer.

She smiled to him briefly, before turning away again.

Ken felt a flutter in his heart. He looked away briefly, before glancing back towards her.



'So who is she?'

'What? Ken fumbled. He hadn't expected to be interrogated the instant he walked through the door to Mustang's apartment.

'You know' Mustang smirked, leaning on his shoulder uncomfortably, 'that girl in the coffee shop.'

Ken glowered at him, pushing him off his shoulder and turning to him.

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