Chapter 18

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Ken woke the next morning, seeing the light shining through the thin curtains pulled across the window, brightening the room within. Beside him, Mustang was still fast asleep, seemingly not to have moved from the same position all night as he lay there naked on his back.

Ken turned over, propping himself up on an elbow.

'Hey' he whispered shaking Mustang awake. 'It's morning.'

Mustang opened his eyes, blinking wearily for only a moment, before sitting bolt-upright and rolling on top of Ken, pushing him back onto the bed, suddenly wide away.

'Let me suck your cock.'


'Come on' Mustang urged, as Ken tried to fend him off. 'I want to.'

'Now?' Ken asked tentatively.

'I want us to be familiar with each other' Mustang told him. 'I want to suck your cock.'

Ken groaned in resignation.

'Fine' he said.

Mustang wasted no time and immediately bowed his head, grasping Ken tightly as he wrapped an arm around his leg.

Ken flinched as Mustang began to work, doing so vigorously.

Ken came moments later, and Mustang drew back coughing into his hand. He cleared his throat, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and looking up at Ken with a smile.

'Are you ready for breakfast now?' he asked Ken.

'I wish we could stay together forever' Mustang said later as he cooked for the two of them, egg in bread.

'Why couldn't we?' Ken asked him, sitting at the table and waiting for his breakfast. 'Are you planning to kick me out?'

'Of course not' Mustang said indignantly, dishing up the food. 'No it's not that. You might get bored of me and move on.'

'How can I get bored of you?' Ken asked him. 'You keep me on my say the least.'

'Here' he said, shoving the plate before Ken, who stared down at it. 'Look, it's like we were last night.'


'Me' Mustang pointed to the egg in the bread, 'inside of you' he said, pointing at the bread.

'That was a terrible joke.'

'You loved it.'

Mustang pulled his chair as close to Ken's as he possibly could.

'Give me some space' Ken protested leaning away from him.

'But I want to be close to you' Mustang sang happily.

Ken grumbled as he cut up his breakfast.

'How can you be so open' Ken asked him.

'What do you mean?'

' to easily.'

'I only love you.'

'You say that' Ken said to his toast, 'but you've been with so many men...even before I met you.'

'Is that what this is about?' Mustang asked him. 'You're jealous?'

'Are you in a relationship with Justin?'

'No. I mean...' Mustang shrugged. 'It's just physical. But I don't need him anymore, because I have you.'

Ken's cheeks flushed then.

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